Unlike WPF/Windows Desktop apps, in Windows Phone you cannot create and show your own windows so you are given one and expected to put all of your functionality in it. Window.Current is a reference to the window given by the OS. The empty project template includes a piece of code located in App.xaml.cs that sets a frame as the content of the app's window on startup. The reference to that frame is called rootFrame and it is supposed to be the host for all your application pages and views. A Frame has a method Navigate([PageType]) that takes the CLR type of your page, constructs a new object of that type and displays it into its body. You can get the current view hosted in the frame with the rootFrame.Content property and set its DataContext, but you cannot change the value of the property itself because you are supposed to use the Navigate([Page type]) method.
In order to handle the Back Button, you need to subscribe to the HardwareButtons.BackPressed event and in the handler set e.Hanled=true after having it navigate to the previous page. If you don't do so, your application will be terminated.
Here is an example usage:
var rootFrame=Window.Current.Content=new Frame();
(rootFrame.Content as Page).DataContext=new MainViewModel(new MainModel());
HardwareButtons.BackPressed=((sender, args)=>{/*TODO: Navigate backwards*/args.Handled=true;});
Have a look at these articles and references:
The frame does have some implementation of navigation history and back-and-forward navigation but you don't necessarily have to use it.