Call quality?


New member
Nov 11, 2011
I keep hearing that on the other end the quality sounds very muffled at times, but then randomly clears up now and then. Is anyone else experiencing this?
If you're holding the phone to your left eat, watch your pinky placement. You may be blocking the mic.

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
I hold it to my right ear, so I don't think that's it. I'll pay more attention to where my pinky is the next time it happens though.
I haven't had anyone make any type of comments and i have made several dozen calls since I have purchased the phone on Sunday. On my end someone who used to sound horrible sounds much better. I am happy with call quality.
Yeah, the quality sound great on my end. But at times I'm told it sounds like I'm under water and they also hear an echo of themselves. It's very strange.
Could it be the noise cancellation? Maybe it needs some software tweaking yet. (Just a side note, I always thought iPhone sounded hollow, seems like their cancellation is a little aggressive to me.)

Maybe play around with your environment, or atleast notice it when someone comments on this effect?

Just a shot in the dark.
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with noise cancellation or not. It tends to happen when I'm laying down. The only other time it happened I was in the car.

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