Can I install Windows 10 on a Pirated Windows 8.1 in pc?

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Re: can i install windows 10 in pirated windows 8.1 in pc?

The Technical Preview you can, the RTM you can't.
Re: can i install windows 10 in pirated windows 8.1 in pc?

You can always become an insider (even after launch) and run the latest (and not always finished) builds for free regardless of your PC's previous status. To upgrade a non-genuine PC to Windows 10's final version you will need to purchase it.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Re: can i install windows 10 in pirated windows 8.1 in pc?

Or you know, just pay for it. (Le gasp! Pay for software!?!) Devs need food on their tables, too
Re: can i install windows 10 in pirated windows 8.1 in pc?

i do not rtm, pls tell me

You can not get the official release (the one on 29 July) on a pirated version.
You only can get the Technical Preview version on a pirated windows version.
Re: can i install windows 10 in pirated windows 8.1 in pc?

Aye, pirate! You can run Windows 10 on your Windows 8.1 pc, depends on how it is ripped arghh.
Re: can i install windows 10 in pirated windows 8.1 in pc?

wp 10 on pc

How people dare to ask such stupid questions in the place where devs do interact with general consumers. How bad they'll feel if they find one asking about their s/w piracy and someone in front of them only will provide the Idea. #Block this thread If it can be.....
Re: can i install windows 10 in pirated windows 8.1 in pc?

Sourav, you're taking something people spent years of their life making without paying for it...

If you think it's fine to not pay for someone else's hard work, please send me a PM. I have more than a years worth of work around the house you could do which I won't mind not paying you for either.

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