Can I Install Windows 10 to VHD?

Dec 27, 2013
Installing Windows 10 to VHD

Like with previous preview versions I'd like to install Windows 10 Technical Preview onto a VHD and then boot from it, but setup won't let me.

I use diskpart to create and attach a VHD file during setup and it is visible. When I select it for installation I receice the message that windows cannot be installed and this is not supported by mij bios.

When running setup.exe from Windows 8.1 (which runs on a VHD also) setup tells me that "this version of Windows cannot be installed on a virtual machine"

Anyone else got this?
Re: Installing Windows 10 to VHD

Like with previous preview versions I'd like to install Windows 10 Technical Preview onto a VHD and then boot from it, but setup won't let me.

I use diskpart to create and attach a VHD file during setup and it is visible. When I select it for installation I receice the message that windows cannot be installed and this is not supported by mij bios.

When running setup.exe from Windows 8.1 (which runs on a VHD also) setup tells me that "this version of Windows cannot be installed on a virtual machine"

Anyone else got this?

Yes I got this....

I have dual boot working you i had issues at first so I double checked everything.

First I verified ISO's with Hashtab...check

Second I recreated My VHD ...two images available I chose Consumer.

Then I copied (unmounted) the VHD into c:\Vms

I then followed these instructions (To mount/dual boot) rather than the older command line way...this new method eliminates most command line commands...I used to use.

Simple way to try new Windows OS using Boot to VHD | Technology Bits & Bytes

I had to manually assign drive letter after which was easy to do G:

I verified in msconfig and rebooted and everything worked great.
Re: Installing Windows 10 to VHD

I am running my Technical Preview in a VHD Boot.

Simple Steps :

1. Create a VHD File using Disk Management Tool from your existing Operating System.
2. Make a USB bootable O/S of Windows Technical Preview.
3. Boot from the above USB Stick.
4. Go till the step where you are asked to choose Upgrade / Custom Install Option.
5. Press SHIFT+F10
6. Try to find the partition which has your VHD by typing DIR and remember the path.
7. Now launch DISKPART from the command prompt.
9. Then type ATTACH VDISK
10. Now close the command prompt and click on Custom Install Option.
11. Now you will see a new Disk Partition ie; your VHD partition which says Windows can't be installed on this partition.
12. Click on the VHD DIsk and Continue the setup ignoring the Warnings.

Now you can complete the setup and have Windows Technical Preview working at its best.
Re: Installing Windows 10 to VHD

I am getting the same error message as the OP.

I ignore the first error message when trying to install on my .VHD but then I get another error message.
Re: Installing Windows 10 to VHD


thanks for the helpful replies, and for the record: the indicated methods used to work with every previous version of Windows as of W7.

I think my issue is related to something else. Eventually I created a physical partition on my ssd, but W10 also refused to install on this partition. After an accidental diskpart -> clean on this disk (oops :( ) still no go. So I have to figure out if Windows 10 TP is having a beef with my Samsung 840 Pro SSD or my ICH8R chipset...

At work I successfully loaded W10 TP onto a VHD and booted it
Re: Installing Windows 10 to VHD

Sorry you're having issues. Much simpler IMHO to use Oracle VirtualBox to test with. I installed W10x64 first-time with no issues and was up and running inside 30 minutes.
Re: Installing Windows 10 to VHD

You can follow this simple guide to deploy windows 10 on a vhd file: Click Here
It doesn't require the windows setup.

Install-WindowsImage script: Download (From OneDrive)
If anyone's still interested in this, I have a noob friendly guide here at the Surface Forum:

surfaceforums net/threads/how-to-test-the-new-windows-10-technical-preview-via-boot-to-vhd.12198/

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