Can the bloggers show all the new features everyone cares to comment on?


New member
Feb 15, 2014
A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

The banner on top of this website which shows latest articles from all the expert bloggers, I am a bit disappointed at the way they let us, the small world of WP, know what is up and coming with Cortana.

When I saw this new feature with cortana, I rush to my phone invoke her and say Flip a coin and I felt like she flipped the bird at me and showed me the bing results in front of some good friends of mine.

Can these bloggers who show all these new features care to comment on who does and who doesn't get it( alpha /beta/region based?)in their posts so that certain users don't get excited only to end up looking like fools.

Flip a coin was kind of embarrassing in front of mates when we wanted to decide what to do.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Its kinda not their job to write training manuals for these things. They will sometimes get into some detail about how an app functions or demo how a new device works, but you might not want to wait on these guys to train you. Use the forums to ask specific questions of what you want to do. Also, do a Bing search for info on Cortana. WPCentral isn't the only game in town.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Well, I agree with OP. If WPCentral posts an article, it has to have those details that helps users to understand about the story they are writing about. That article and few more did not specify if the said feature was for Cortana Beta or Cortana Alpha. Having used both, I can get it but not all users or specifically those who are not much in Alpha/Beta stuff :-) So yes, bloggers need to take care of minute but essential details before posting about it.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Not trying to defend any of the writers but why wouldn't you test the feature before running off to your mates to show them the new feature? That would have saved you some embarrassment.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Well, I agree with OP. If WPCentral posts an article, it has to have those details that helps users to understand about the story they are writing about. That article and few more did not specify if the said feature was for Cortana Beta or Cortana Alpha. Having used both, I can get it but not all users or specifically those who are not much in Alpha/Beta stuff :-) So yes, bloggers need to take care of minute but essential details before posting about it.
Overall not for that case as well. They may not have the manpower, devices, or ability to test every minute feature they talk about on each device. As a WP user yourself at times need see if things work for you. It is as though you want someone to hold your hand walk you through the process.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

The writers have said time and time again that they don't know when its available for beta or alpha users. Microsoft releases updates for Cortana in stages, so some beta users will get it while other beta users won't. Some alpha users might even get it whilst other alphas won't. It's basically the luck of the draw when it comes to Cortana updates.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Overall not for that case as well. They may not have the manpower, devices, or ability to test every minute feature they talk about on each device. As a WP user yourself at times need see if things work for you. It is as though you want someone to hold your hand walk you through the process.

What if WPCentral writes an article about Windows Phone 8 and miss to include the word - Phone and say Windows 8? It's a minor mistake but it will create confusion. So they should include minor but essential details in their articles. Its not about walking through the process but its something they should take care off. Everyone who reads WPCentral articles may not be as intelligent as you!
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

I believe there is one blogger from the UK and one blogger from India. All of the others are from the USA, so they wouldn't use Cortana alpha.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

What if WPCentral writes an article about Windows Phone 8 and miss to include the word - Phone and say Windows 8? It's a minor mistake..

Seeing as your example used two largely varying platforms, that would not be a minor mistake. At the same time that could be a typo if not an overview and have nothing to do with a feature. I dont think one requires a high intelligence to attempt something without verifying it themselves. This is the internet, contrary to popular belief everything is not true.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Seeing as your example used two largely varying platforms, that would not be a minor mistake. At the same time that could be a typo if not an overview and have nothing to do with a feature. I dont think one requires a high intelligence to attempt something without verifying it themselves. This is the internet, contrary to popular belief everything is not true.

What you are saying here is something that's just a useless attempt to cover their ignorance for not presenting articles with complete details. They know Cortana is in two stage and features are version specific. If they can't proof-read what they write then its something they should take a note of it and avoid such things. Its not about how minor or major example I provided but its about avoiding mistakes that confuse readers. I dont think that its typo as I have noticed same ignorance in past few articles. So, they should use Alpha/Beta when news is related to Cortana. Simple, isn't it?
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Not trying to defend any of the writers but why wouldn't you test the feature before running off to your mates to show them the new feature? That would have saved you some embarrassment.

I agree with this so much. The first thing I do when I see a new feature isn't to run to my friends bragging about it, I am going to try it myself.

I don't fault the bloggers at all for you not testing the feature out yourself. And even so, why would you be embarrassed because the feature didn't work properly. I take it the op gets easily embarrassed lmao
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

What you are saying here is something that's just a useless attempt to cover their ignorance for not presenting articles with complete details. They know Cortana is in two stage and features are version specific. If they can't proof-read what they write then its something they should take a note of it and avoid such things. Its not about how minor or major example I provided but its about avoiding mistakes that confuse readers. I dont think that its typo as I have noticed same ignorance in past few articles. So, they should use Alpha/Beta when news is related to Cortana. Simple, isn't it?
No not at all. I just think users should try a feature first before assuming so. Especially something as simple as asking Cortana to flip a coin.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Luckily I tried this one on my own because she misheard me saying "flip a coin" and instead searched "look up porn".

....she knows me so well 😅
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

For all The comments above. Here is what happened

I show off some features in the phone and what is new and how DP works. while there I showed them WPcentral and its gr8 reach to breaking info and what not blog said about dice or coin toss I was asked to show a demo and I got Bing result. It may have looked a bit different that what it sounded on the post. While we read the blog about features and what not over coffee no where did it mention region/ alpha/ beta or if it was for few phones in alpha/ beta / regions. To us it meant CORTANA and hence it made me should I say the whole WP experience look like $#@#. Now we are all good mates so didnt matter much but when it comes to those guys all on IPhone and one even on the bender phone 6 while I am the black sheep trying to talk to them to turn to WP at some stage.

So comments above for saying about a walkthrough and teaching and tutorials last of my worries, I trial and error enough. All I need is the initial link which I find in here thru blogs and posts from other users. I am here to learn alright but not everything is learnt when one is born, there are teachers starting with nature, parents , school, etc etc................

For the rest who thought it was a reasonable expectation well I am willing to bet you guys are learners like myself.

and to that one guy who got a porn search result. I am surprised you don't have bookmarks and shortcuts or live tiles yet Lmao.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Its kinda not their job to write training manuals for these things. They will sometimes get into some detail about how an app functions or demo how a new device works, but you might not want to wait on these guys to train you. Use the forums to ask specific questions of what you want to do. Also, do a Bing search for info on Cortana. WPCentral isn't the only game in town.

I am sorry, I cant recall asking for a training manual, what gave you that Idea?

P.S rhetorical question
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Not trying to defend any of the writers but why wouldn't you test the feature before running off to your mates to show them the new feature? That would have saved you some embarrassment.

No one ran off anywhere to show anyone anything. Please read above question :)
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

Overall not for that case as well. They may not have the manpower, devices, or ability to test every minute feature they talk about on each device. As a WP user yourself at times need see if things work for you. It is as though you want someone to hold your hand walk you through the process.
I believe you have taken it to be the case that some of us don't test anything at all. I am sure everyone tests mostly everything on their device at some point of time before posting a question or request out here, incase you might be implying that they are lazy. The lazy ones don't bother even reading the fourms or searching it they just post question even if while posting the auto suggestion shows with a similar question. Even in that case I am not sure you can call it lazy as they have taken their time to post a question, I would say more like ignorant is the term.
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

I agree with this so much. The first thing I do when I see a new feature isn't to run to my friends bragging about it, I am going to try it myself.
I don't fault the bloggers at all for you not testing the feature out yourself. And even so, why would you be embarrassed because the feature didn't work properly. I take it the op gets easily embarrassed lmao

No not at all. I just think users should try a feature first before assuming so. Especially something as simple as asking Cortana to flip a coin.

I would say read the post again as there was no running involved. I am not Mr Bolt nor a bronze medallist at it. If there is one thing that I am not, it would be Jumpy and assuming things like some people. I just think users should try not to judge and assume other users by reading a post. I would like to apologise for not writing a blog style story about how and why this happened and sparing readers the horrors of the sook story. I thought you guys would have actually appreciated how short and to the point the post was considering there are a fair few posts in the forums running into pages how they are going back to android or threatening MS to never buy a phone or for that matter even jump of the cliff.
Geez some people just cant be pleased. :winktongue:
Re: A bit disappointed with WPcentral Bloggers.

My responses were less for you and more for another user I was conversing with.

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