Thanks for the reply. I figured that my situation would be relatively unique, but I thought that since Celio invested the time to develop a tool like Mobile Viewer, that maybe it would be possible to go the other direction as well. Especially since Celio makes it's profit from the sales of Redflys, and Mobile Viewer is free. Nevermind that a Redfly driver on a computer could potentially draw on significantly greater resources then a mobile device. A device that could provide a screen and keyboard for a malfunctioning computer through a USB connection strikes me as an incredibly valuable resource to IT professionals, and even casual applications like my situation. Many of the reviews I've read about the Redfly mention that it's relevance is centered on an extremely niche market, and it seems as though any diversification of the Redfly's abilities would only enhance its value. I'm glad that I fall into the Redfly's target market, and it has proven its worth to me. And while I appreciate Celio's focus on providing the capabilities of a mobile device across multiple platforms, it would be a shame to ignore the Redfly's potential as an asset in situations outside the one it was designed for.