Really in this day and age to have a phone not able to pick music files from anywhere on its storage but requiring the user to first connect to pc and transfer to a specific folder is ridiculous, really ridiculous. I was loving this phone (Lumia 1320) but am finding it a little too stringent than the android am used to.
What if I get a file by bluetooth, does it mean I have to copy it to pc and then back to the phone into the ringtones folder....:unhappysweat: REALLY!!!! WHO DESIGNED THIS OPERATION SYSTEM, is it a wonder android is now on almost every phone around!!!!!???? I have used saveral phone brands and not once have I had to follow such strenious procedure just to set a ringtone....somobody help, maybe there is something am missing??
Also there is no option to set ring tone from the music player (or this option is not obvious if at all its there). In android, if am listening to a song and love it I can set it as ring tone from withing the music player, without having to leave the music player and go to ringtone settings
The other thing is there is no option to view open applications from any application that one is using to be able to switch back and forth between apps (or, again, this option is just not obvious).
I was planning to sell my Galaxy tab and buy another windows phone, but with these issues am experiencing i will have to postpone this decision....maybe I will end up selling the Lumia 1320 and get another galaxy phone.:straight: