Could it possibly be that you already tried the app and your trial time has expired?
I also got this problem on my new Lumia 640.
But my old Nokia Lumia 520 has no such problem
As far as I remember Nextgen Reader has unlimited trial.
Possibly, I don't know. I've purchased it ages ago, since I consider it the best RSS app available. And the price is very reasonable, especially when considering that you get the app for your phone and for your desktop pc/tablet/laptop.
Indeed! it's the best app in it's category but I unfortunately cannot buy it either due to the recent changes made to the Windows Phone store. The only option I was left with was to use the trial and that to now blocked.
Please clarify.. Which specific changes to the store are there, that keep you from being able to make a purchase?
The main change that is the transition from the old to the the new store wrecked it all for me. I lost few of my apps which I had purchased earlier 'error code 80004005' and now this issue.
Perform a hard reset, that should fix it.
Already done numerous hard resets but no luck.
k. In this case I think the only thing you can do is contact phone support and ask them for help. They should easily be able to restore your purchase history.
You mean accounts+billing support. Right?
Exactly. But I'd either try and contact them via chat or phone. Not email.