a.disquscdn.com - 101 times in 4 days
tr8---sn-8xgp1vo-cvnl.googlevideo.com/ 81 times
Disqus is a 3rd party comment manager for blog sites. It is scattered across the web. My impression would be that the "hits" are from logging in, making a comment and then not logging out. The persistent log in then pings Disqus on every enabled blog visited in a session. The CDN may refer to several servers linked to form a Content Delivery Network for Disqus. Or the chid is an active commenter on one or more blogs.
The second appears to be related to embedded video seen on a site that is actually hosted elsewhere, off the site on which it was seen. Possibly a viral video that was viewed that many times. I'd imagine it was short. LOL Maybe even an embedded "report" or advert that auto-plays when entering a site.
I would imagine that those items line up with web addresses also captured on the report. Are these items time stamped? Do those times line up with other reported items?
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