Can't Connect my 950 to my PC. Help?


New member
Jan 29, 2017
Hey everyone. I can't connect my Lumia 950 to my PC in order to transfer files. The PC seems to recognize that the device is connected (I get the option to eject the Lumia 950 down in the task bar), but it doesn't show up in the file explorer.

I've tried different USB ports, different cables, and had no luck. Support from Microsoft consists of nothing but absolutely useless troubleshooting from India.

Has anyone else had this problem and know of a fix? I'm pretty desperate here for what seems like an issue that should be very easy to solve (I'm baffled that it's happening in the first place, as most USB stuff is simply plug-and-play at this point).

I'd be very grateful for any tips!
Check in Device Manager which device is listed when you connect the phone to PC. Uninstall the driver for that (new) device and disconnect the phone. Then instal WDRT (Windows Device Recovery Tool) and start it. When it asks you to connect the phone, do it, and then the proper drivers (needed for file explorer) will be installed.
Stab in the dark here because this has caught me a few times. You don't happen to have a PIN do you? If you do make sure your phone is unlocked. Else there's something wrong with your cable.

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