Changing Carriers, curious about data...


New member
Dec 27, 2011
I currently have an HTC Arrive on sprint and will be switching to the HTC Titan on ATT - does anyone know of an app that will transfer all of my phone settings over to the titan? Or an easy way to redownload all the apps that I'm sure I'll forget I even had with out having to write them all down?

Just curious.


All your contacts and apps will be listed online when you set up your new phone with your Windows Live ID tonyh750.

There's nothing that backs up your emails and texts unfortunately.

If you log on here you should be able to verify your contacts (click on contacts) are already stored safely.

And you can click on the apps you want to reinstall from your app history.

Windows Phone | Cell Phones, Mobile Downloads, Mobile Apps, and More | Windows Phone 7

Click on 'my phone' on the website. (Your installed apps are listed under 'account')

You can reinstall them from there. (Just select the ones you want installed again)

Oh and welcome along to WPCentral tonyh750 :)

Hope that helps out a little. :)
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I noticed my HD7 saved contacts to the phone by default, so when I had to factory reset it I lost about 10 contacts. Check before you erase anything.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
I believe you can unlock your device and be afforded the ability to backup sms among others things, but IMHO, it's not worth the hassle.

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