Changing region to China, error code 805a8011, and questions about HARD RESET


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Hello there everyone!

I've been experiencing an annoying situation on my phone.
It is an unlocked Nokia Lumia 822, running WP 8.1 DP.

I recently heard/read, at WPCentral, that Microsoft's,finally going to shut down MSN Messenger in China. Being a significantly active of MSN in the past, I decided I wanted to give its app a try before its death.
Things were supposed to be simple: Change region* to China; reboot (aka, "soft reset"); try to download and test the app; browse the Chinese Marketplace/Store a little more, then revert back to another one (U.S.A., U.K., Brazil, India, Argentina, etc.).
* I've changed region(s) countless times before, precisely for this purpose: obtaining an app that is available in one country's Marketplace, but not in another.

Before rebooting, I tried accessing the link to MSN Messenger at the Windows Phone Store, its "page" there loaded fine, but there was a ! message saying it wasn't available for my device or region -- as expected.
After the reboot, I clicked the WP Store link again, and this time the app "page" wouldn't load, displaying an error 805a8011 message instead. At first I thought it was a problem with this one specific, dying app only; so I tried others, such as the Google search app, a Bing one, or a dictionary. Nothing. Well then, maybe there's an issue with the Chinese store; solution: change region and reboot, of course!
... And things got "off course" instead. The other countries' Marketplaces won't work either, and error 805a8011 (or simply some useless "can't connect now / it is not possible to connect at the moment; we're sorry, please try again later" message) keeps lurking around like an evil ghost.

The solutions to error 805a8011 look no good.
One of them is checking your storage space, which might be running low <see pteek's blog at Blogspot>. I don't have much, but on mine ca. 800 MB out of 16 GB (I have installed no SD card yet) are taken.
Another one is disabling automatic clock updating. Didn't work either.
Finally, there always is HARD RESET.
And that's the problem. I have never done before, so I'm truly afraid of doing it.

I have purchased many apps or did in-app purchases, and I would like to know if the resetted and then restored phone shall be able to remember it and them all. I really wouldn't like to pay for all of them again.
Here are the "number one" things I wish backup then hard reset would preserve and restore (in order of importance) -- any clarification, official from Microsoft or from your experience, is welcome:
• apps, along with in-app purchases, and their respective full/premium versions enabled / free of charge enable?able;
• any Start Screen settings (background, tiles, etc.);
• downloaded language voice packs and international keyboard layouts and built-in dictionaries;
• custom words manually added to the dictionaries;
• custom ringtones;
• alarms;
• IE bookmarks and (if possible) navigation history;
• contacts info;
• game scores;
• ... anything else?

I'd like to say it again: hard resetting is going to be bad enough; but it is going to feel nearly nicely okay if I'm able to retrieve (read: re-download & -install, I necessary) all or most of my previous apps, and after some config time, being able to use them like before.
If there is one or two app(s) that require me to re-buy it, out of some mysterious glitch... well, nothing's perfect right?, but it's still acceptable.
However, if there is a chance that MOST or ALL of them :'( are indeed prone to have premium payment issues, then you got me reeeaaaally worried.

Can ANYone please shed some light of knowledge & hope upon me?
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