Check your screen at your earliest convenience!


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Right, so I've got the battery issue too, like many. Charges up to 1327 mAh and then knocks it off - I can live with this until they issue the updates.

BUT, last night while watching a film in bed (no, not pron...) I noticed black lines and dots on the screen on dark bits of the film.

So I decided to check the screen in Diagnostics (##634# I believe), menu option LCD White. It shows a white, black, red, green and blue screen (tap on the screen to go to the next color).

All were fine except for the black screen, the screen itself has 2 black lines in the middle of the screen and a cluster of dots at the right bottom corner.

I tried to show my wife this morning, but it is impossible to see unless you are in a completely dark room.

So I suggest everyone owning one of these phones to check their screens tonight (or during the day) to make sure they do not have the same problem.

Please note, I have treated the phone with gloves since I got it just under a week ago, and has not been dropped or damaged in any way.

I have called my operator, 3 UK, and they are sending a replacement handset tomorrow and will collect this one. So first thing I'll do when I receive the new handset is look for this problem again...

I hope this helps others too.

Hopefully it's just your handset lu1gj3s, and not a general problem. Can't say i've heard others reporting it, but as long as you're getting a replacement that's fine.

Welcome along to WPCentral. :)
Thanks for the welcome :) Glad to be here.

I sure hope it's just my handset too, I think it might be something that happened at the assembly stage i.e. too much pressure.

It is very hard to notice without being in a complete dark room, so it might have gone unnoticed, but fingers crossed...
Yes, well something as technical as these i'm sure the odd wonky one slips out, although it shouldn't really.

Let us know that your replacement is OK. :)

Are you pleased with the Lumia and Windows Phone in general, bar your current problem and battery drain lu1gj3s ?

(Think the battery drain update is coming soon though)
I love the design of the phone, it's amazing. The screen is very bright and a pleasure to use. The Nokia apps (in particular Nokia Drive) are fantastic. I can't fault Nokia Drive and Nokia Music mix radio is nice to have to listen to music for free ^ ^

Coming from iPhone 3G > HTC Desire > Blackberry > iPhone 4 > HP Pre 3 > Nokia Lumia 800, I must say that WP7 is the best operating system yet.

Mostly due to the ease of use, stunning design, smooth transitions and quality of apps.

iOS just looks ancient (4/5 year old design).
Blackberry is ancient.
Android is a pain to use and generally does not work the way I want it to.
webOS is very similar to WP7, but unfortunately discontinued....

So yeah, I'm very happy with both the phone and WP7 :)
That's great to hear lu1gj3s. ( I love the design too )

Here's hoping your new Lumia arrives sooner rather than later, and it's well LOL. :)
My Lumia is ok.. Screen and Battery no issues.. The only minor drawback is that I am not able to get the latest update.. :confused:
Who is your operator? I'm thinking it might be a bad batch from Three.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
So, I received the replacement yesterday. Same problem with the screen. Only this one was even worse... It makes me wonder if it is something that all phones have...

I have cancelled the contract and am not going to try again, what a waste of time... Back to my Pre 3 :(
So, I received the replacement yesterday. Same problem with the screen. Only this one was even worse... It makes me wonder if it is something that all phones have...

I have cancelled the contract and am not going to try again, what a waste of time... Back to my Pre 3 :(
Aw what rotten news lu1g3s. Sorry to hear that. :(
yeah it really is a shame... So, now I am looking to either get a Radar or Titan, or perhaps the Omnia W...
Probably the titan. It'd be nice not to strain my eyes too much lol. And mugen have done a nice 1950 mAh battery for it, just in case its needed.

After thinking it through, the radar is not really my first choice, its not a top range handset and the battery is not replaceable.

That leaves the omnia w, which I think looks nice and might work nicely, but no demo model to test..

Actually thinking about it, I might hunt around for an omnia 7 to see how that is. 4" seems a nice screen size....

Anyway, do you have any suggestions? You've got an omnia 7, have you tried any of the recent handsets and is there any difference performance wise?

-- Sent from my Palm Pre3 using Forums

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