Coming over from android - few questions


New member
Nov 25, 2011

Due to a bit of luck, I'm getting a free Lumia 800 next week - I'm an experienced smart-phone user (Android, BB, WebOS) but want a few tips to make the transition smooth, so hopefully you guys can help me out with some suggestions:

1) I use gmail and google calenders - does this synch ok or I need to look at switching ? Is there an app to synch google tasks?

2) I use a program to manage my billable hours on my android device (Time Recording Pro) - can someone recommend a good equal on WP7?

3) Is there an equal to Tapatalk on WP7?

4) Is there a way to get google authenticator to work on WP7? I've seen a couple of open source ports but not sure which one is best.

5) Is there an official dropbox client (I know windows wants us to use skydrive but I find it a bit clunky)? I've seen some third party ones.

Thanks in advance for your help,

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:D:D:D welcome to WPCENTRAL CGK :D:D:D

1. i know Gmail syncs if you just put in your e-mail (contacts ,e-mails ) , dont think it syncs calendar doh :S

2. you should be able to get the app: MY account from your carrier that allows you to track your usage.

3. i use Board express to post on forums , works pretty good

4. there is a app in marketplace called: Authenticator suppose to replace the Google one , not sure how well it works doh. its free so try it out :)

5. no official dropbox yet , but they are working on it it seems:
Windows Phone 7 App in Production? ? Dropbox Forums
id run a search int he marketpalce for TIME TRACKER...

- Time card tracker
- Time tracker
- task time tracker

a bunch of them deppending what you need.
Gmail syncs fine. One google calendar is no problem - multiple ones is a bit more tricky. There is a workaround though.

Time-app wise, I think there's one recommended in the latest WP Apps magazine (there's a thread elsewhere on this)

Did you win your phone via one of the UK competitions? If it's the Into Insider one, then I'm one too!
Did you win your phone via one of the UK competitions? If it's the Into Insider one, then I'm one too!

I got an email off a Nielsen saying I could have a phone in return for a few surveys (I've done their android surveys in the past).
Very helpful guys - here's another question, I have 10gb of photos in Picasa - will that sync or do I need to get them into skydrive (which I find a complete PITA to be honest)?
Thanks I was playing around with the zune software yesterday and was thinking - all of my photos are on my PC - Picasa's desktop software syncs those to my picasa web account. If I use that folder with zune, those photos will be added to my phone and then synced to skydrive right? and it will also work the other way, photos I take on my phone will sync to my desktop and then picasa desktop to my picasa account?

If that makes sense to people, am I flawed in my thinking?
Yes, if they are on your PC you can use Zune to sycn them just by telling Zune where they are.

Your problem is, you said you had 10 gigs, and your phone you got for free has at most 16 gigs, it might even only have 8 gigs of space!
Right on with the storage limitations. And the photos you sync from Zune desktop will not automatically sync with SkyDrive. You can have photos you take with your phone sync up with SkyDrive though. Not sure what apps are available for Picasso, but keep the photos on their server and view what you need when you need to. Can also do the same thing if you copy your photos up to SkyDrive (25GB) but I will agree that's a clunky solution at the moment.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
ah right - I'll just keep using picasa then and manually sorting photos from the phone to my picasa account. Shame really, I was hoping I could get it to update both clouds with no effort. :lol:
Could always use Windows Live Photo Gallery to upload pictures on your drive directly up to SkyDrive in one click.
Could always use Windows Live Photo Gallery to upload pictures on your drive directly up to SkyDrive in one click.

I looked into that - as far as I am aware, it will not bulk upload 100s of photos and if it does it loses the folder structure.
To sync multiple Google calendars, here's the work around. It's annoying that Google is actively trying to limit WP devices like this but at least we can go around the fence. I can attest that it works, as I set up my wife's HTC Trophy (she's my Trophy wife!) using this method and it works flawlessly. The only downside is that calendar entries you make on your WP device will only be added to your default Google calendar.
To sync multiple Google calendars, here's the work around. It's annoying that Google is actively trying to limit WP devices like this but at least we can go around the fence. I can attest that it works, as I set up my wife's HTC Trophy (she's my Trophy wife!) using this method and it works flawlessly. The only downside is that calendar entries you make on your WP device will only be added to your default Google calendar.

I have a better work around....

.... I don't use Google calenders. :P:D;)
I have a better work around....

.... I don't use Google calenders. :P:D;)

Hah - that's a good one - it's one of the issues when you swap platforms I guess - I've pretty heavy into the google infrastructure now (all my separate email accounts are collected by my gmail account), my photos are in there - just looking for a smooth transition I guess.
I looked into that - as far as I am aware, it will not bulk upload 100s of photos and if it does it loses the folder structure.

It doesn't keep the folder structure- this is true. However, it will do hundreds at a time. I go into a folder, select all, hit upload to skydrive. So far, it's worked just fine. One folder had 1200+ files and they seem all there.

Skydrive isn't too bad once you use it a few times and get used to the organizational choices. I do think MS needs to hurry up and get a real sync solution with a dropbox-like client, however.
It doesn't keep the folder structure- this is true. However, it will do hundreds at a time. I go into a folder, select all, hit upload to skydrive. So far, it's worked just fine. One folder had 1200+ files and they seem all there.

Skydrive isn't too bad once you use it a few times and get used to the organizational choices. I do think MS needs to hurry up and get a real sync solution with a dropbox-like client, however.

In the most recent skydive blog post they seem to hint it is coming.

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