consumer rant-true or not?

That's common practice over here. ;) Seriously though, the amount of money we pay for these insurances over the years is pretty considerable. So making use of them isn't really criminal. Well, in fact it is, but no one would really care as long as it's about something as "cheap" as this.

To save 250 bucks you did what you did. Wouldnt it make more sense to save a lot on the insurance by not having it in the first place for tiny little things. For all the premiums you have paid over the years and not having used it you would have bought L1520 5 times over.
Just Sayin.
To save 250 bucks you did what you did. Wouldnt it make more sense to save a lot on the insurance by not having it in the first place for tiny little things. For all the premiums you have paid over the years and not having used it you would have bought L1520 5 times over.
Just Sayin.

Ehm.. They cover the costs of whatever someone else's property I happen to break. I've had my dish washer once break and several liters of water leaked out of it, made their way down to the apartment below mine and destroyed a couple of pretty expensive - and **** ugly - carpets. They covered it all. I'm glad I have this insurance. Like most other Germans do too.
At least a third, if not close to half, of the iPhones in our corporate plan have screens shattered at some point in their contract cycle. Doesn't mean its a bad device, its really user carelessness - a small handful of users are responsible for those screen breaks over and over and over.....

In my experience, there are few things that people treat less carefully than their corporate cell phone. The last company I worked for assigned Blackberry devices to about 60 executives. They were always getting cycled out as they were lost, suffered reparable damage, like a damaged screen or busted keyboard, or when they were damaged to the point that they wouldn't power on, etc.
And to the OP, when I held my phone for the first time 2 days ago, two things came to mind.
1. "This is a solidly built phone" (my bro literally said same when he held it)
2. "If this phone ever hits the ground for some reason, I have close to zero hope for the screen"

But you know, that's something I (and I hope every costumer) was well aware of before making the purchase, and I think I saw the video you are talking about sometime ago. If the consumer wasn't aware that the phone would shatter if it falls, its a result of his failure to do a research on the phone before getting it.

Anyway the phone has a large screen and for that reason, its even more likely to shatter if it falls and that is why I got a solid case (also got the L1520 protective cover but not using that for reasons already stated).

You can see photos of my case here [ ]

And this is the video you mean, right?

yeah i forgot to post a link to it in the post ,ill edit it to add
At least a third, if not close to half, of the iPhones in our corporate plan have screens shattered at some point in their contract cycle. Doesn't mean its a bad device, its really user carelessness - a small handful of users are responsible for those screen breaks over and over and over.....

That's why people like me will reap the benefits (repairing broken phones) because users are too careless even if you give them a case and a screen protector they find some way to break it. I should know, my cousin broke his iPhone by dropping it in the toilet, I'll save the details but the glass cover got cracked pretty badly even with a case (it was those cheap ones)
In my experience, there are few things that people treat less carefully than their corporate cell phone. The last company I worked for assigned Blackberry devices to about 60 executives. They were always getting cycled out as they were lost, suffered reparable damage, like a damaged screen or busted keyboard, or when they were damaged to the point that they wouldn't power on, etc.
We cost share 50/50 one device in the contract cycle as well as the shared minuet erred and data. After that, the devices are all 100% their responsibility. We'll point them to some good used device sources, yet they all want new and will pay for it. Maybe we're paying them too much...
I hear you guy in the video. You and your wife drops phones on a regular basis and you're right, its not your fault and you should not be held responsible for having fingers made from sticks of butter. Nokia should be quick to repair your phone each and every one of the "million times" it hits the floor. Who do they think they are? If I were you, I'd do the same thing. Make a video and let everyone know that you are a loyal Nokia customer and they owe you.
Ehm.. They cover the costs of whatever someone else's property I happen to break. I've had my dish washer once break and several liters of water leaked out of it, made their way down to the apartment below mine and destroyed a couple of pretty expensive - and **** ugly - carpets. They covered it all. I'm glad I have this insurance. Like most other Germans do too.

Say No More. :) So it is not like the premiums you paid all these years was wasted or anything. Just saying :D
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The guy in that video is a moron, but it's something I see happening frequently. People blame the manufacturer when they drop their phone and break the screen. They feel that the phone should be able to survive a drop, and cry like small children when customer care tells them they are out of luck on getting it fixed for free. It's always the same story, "I dropped my old(insert name) phone multiple times and it never broke!..this phone is too fragile!"
The guy in that video is a moron, but it's something I see happening frequently. People blame the manufacturer when they drop their phone and break the screen. They feel that the phone should be able to survive a drop, and cry like small children when customer care tells them they are out of luck on getting it fixed for free. It's always the same story, "I dropped my old(insert name) phone multiple times and it never broke!..this phone is too fragile!"

Hey, that's a valid complaint! I smashed my old Leopard 2 tank through concrete walls multiple times, and the m*therf*cker came out without a scratch. Now this new Ford I have already has scratches all over the place from just a couple of bushes I hit. Pfff.. Low quality cr*p I say! :P

Seriously though, you're absolutely right. It's laughable at best how people react these days. Noteworthy though that it's mainly kids, who mostly didn't even pay for the devices their selves in the first place.
To prove his case the guy says he dropped his other Lumias "a million times" (0:50 in). Maybe they don't teach statistics in India or Bangladesh or where ever but the law of probability says if you drop multiple glass objects enough times one will eventually break. I don't think I have dropped my Lumia 1520 on a hard surface yet. I've dropped it a short distance onto carpet. You have to get a case and be careful with these things. I don't know what to say. It's a $600+ device. Would you drop a $600+ DSLR on concrete and expect good things to happen?
To prove his case the guy says he dropped his other Lumias "a million times" (0:50 in). Maybe they don't teach statistics in India or Bangladesh or where ever but the law of probability says if you drop multiple glass objects enough times one will eventually break. I don't think I have dropped my Lumia 1520 on a hard surface yet. I've dropped it a short distance onto carpet. You have to get a case and be careful with these things. I don't know what to say. It's a $600+ device. Would you drop a $600+ DSLR on concrete and expect good things to happen?

while your points are valid ,pls dont make such comments against whole countries
yes im also from india and so is he,but the rest of the nation cannot be judged based on either
I throw my Lumia 1320 on the floor, sometimes in the air and let it hit the floor, or throw it across the room, all the time as a joke. However, the floors are usually flat surfaces. I only have two small scratches on the back cover to show for my antics after about 20-25 drops/throws. I could see if the screen hit first on a point, all of that energy goes to one point. The screen has got to give. I would be frustrated too but I feel like he should have been more careful. I throw my Lumia around all the time without any consequences so far but I'm pretty sure if I threw it on a rock or something pointy, it's going to break.

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