Contacted Microsoft about xbox music and "other" storage issue


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I contacted Microsoft about Issues with xbox music and "other storage issue, for those interested in the results I am posting the transcript.
If anyone would like me to contact them about something else feel free to tell me, I have a lot of time on my hands

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Chat start time Jan 6, 2013 5:24:44 PM EST
Chat end time Jan 6, 2013 6:13:20 PM EST
Duration (actual chatting time) 00:48:36
Operator Iris B.

Chat Transcript

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You are now chatting with 'Iris B.'.
Tristen: HEllo
Iris B.: Hello Tristen, my name is Iris B. with Microsoft Support. Please give me a few moments as I review the information you've submitted.
Tristen: Take your time
Iris B.: We are aware of issues with syncing between the three platforms. What exactly are you trying to do?
Tristen: In the windows 8 music app, it says it cant sync.
Tristen: On windows phone, it doesn't sync all of it, and when I download music on the phone, it doesn't download on my comupter
Tristen: xbox,actually I just fixed that problem, im sorry
Iris B.: Downloading from phone to computer does work. Are you using the Windows Phone app?
Tristen: No, it doesn't work... yes im using the "Music+video" app with xbox music pass on all three devices
Iris B.: What happens when you try?
Tristen: I download a lot of music...ones I downloaded on my comuter from xbox music synced at first, but not anymore. Music downloaded on the phone isn't even shown in the cloud...when I reset my lumia 920, I had to redownload the music I downloaded right before the reset
Iris B.: Please tell me exactly what happens when you try to pull music from the phone to the PC using the Windows Phone app. I would like to troubleshoot it.
Iris B.: And yes, the Xbox Music Cloud is not working 100% and it shouldn't be relied upon right now. It's new technology and is being worked on.
Tristen: I don't actually pull music. I bought the xbox music pass, and set it up on my lumia 920, my windows 8 pc, and my xbox works perfectly, why windows 8 pc, says it cannot sync, and my windows phone 8...wellvery buggy
Tristen: Why am I paying to use the service then...
Iris B.: Okay, what cannot sync when you try to sync?
Tristen: I use it on my I need to pay for it
Iris B.: You are giving me very vague information and I would like to fix or at least troubleshoot what is not working.
Tristen: Im sorry. I make playlists in the app on the pc (my pc says it cannot sync), the playlists show up on my xbox, but not my phone. I make a playlist on my xbox, but it doesn't show up on my pc or my phone.
Tristen: I do have all the sync settings turned on
Tristen: on the phone and pc
Iris B.: So when you try to transfer to the phone via USB, it says it cannot sync?
Tristen: I cant transfer it through usb? all the music I have is from the xbox music pass subscription.
Iris B.: Of course you can transfer it through USB.
Iris B.: That's how the Windows Phone app works.
Tristen: Or is there a way to transfer the downloaded music to my phone
Iris B.: That's the best way to do it.
Tristen: Wait..
Iris B.: Music currently transferred to Windows Phone 8 from a PC is known somewhat to not work or have usage rights, and that is a glitch we are working on. But how you are supposed to transfer content to your phone and back is through USB cord.
Tristen: The app I am talking about on the pc is the xbox music app
Iris B.: Yes, you download your music, and then transfer it using a USB cord on the Windows Phone App.
Tristen: the metro windows phone app or the desktop version
Iris B.: You can use either.
Tristen: how to I transfer playlists?
Iris B.: That's also how you manage your pictures and videos if you don't want to use skydrive.
Iris B.: When you load up the app with the phone, it'll show what's in your library and you check the boxes for what you want. It'll then sync.
Tristen: I made a playlist in the music app...that I really want
Tristen: Will it sync the playlists too?
Iris B.: If you check the playlist, yes.
Tristen: I just plugged my phone in, I am trying now, thank you. one moment
Tristen: the playlists aren't showing up..
Iris B.: Then they may not work. The Windows Phone app is brand new as as well as the Windows Phone 8 music library.
Tristen: There is no way to fix this?
Iris B.: The second version of the Windows Phone app just came out, so it is being worked on.
Tristen: Can you tell me when these issues will be fixed?
Iris B.: I have no timeline.
Iris B.: Ability to download entire playlist from xbox music
Tristen: Do you know about any updates to windows phone or any apps?
Iris B.: It's been suggested.
Iris B.: I don't, really. I know about it as soon as you do.
Iris B.: Preview 2 for the Windows Phone desktop app came out about a week ago and fixed a lot of problems.
Tristen: I actually already voted on that :)
Iris B.: Okay, so we solved one problem. Yes, you use USB to transfer to your phone and back primarily. As I said, some music pass music is having issues downloading to the phone and working, but you can try it through both versions of the Windows Phone app. That's what we've been doing for now.
Iris B.: The primary way to have music on Windows Phone 8 from the music pass at the moment is to download it directly onto the phone.
Tristen: My main problem right now is Microsoft has made a big deal about this service and it seems Windows phone 8 is an incomplete OS and xbox music is in beta..and STILL making users pay for a subscription. granted I am not "forced" to pay for it but if I want to use it on my phone I must pay for it.
Tristen: Okay this makes sense. I just hope it is fixed soon
Iris B.: Well, it is brand new. We used the same formula for Windows 1-7, didn't we?
Iris B.: I personally don't buy new technology until it's already about a year old.
Tristen: What formula are you talking about?
Iris B.: All of the previous versions of Windows were just built off of one another.
Tristen: I think I may need to take your advice on that one! :)
Iris B.: 7 was a championed version of XP and Vista, without Vista's security features.
Iris B.: But 8 is entirely new. Tried a lot of new things.
Tristen: Windows phone 8 seems to be incomplete, is what I am talking about
Iris B.: Windows Phone 7 was much the same when it came out.
Iris B.: Now it's very reliable. Took some time.
Iris B.: I understand what you're saying. By all means, if you don't like the product, feel free to raise your voice. The suggestions for Windows Phone on that webpage are seen by the developers and they read those.
Tristen: I agree, it will become more stable, but I don't recall WP7 to be his unstable when first feels like I am using android
Iris B.: Another good way to be heard is to post on the Home - Microsoft Community board.
Iris B.: I'm not telling you these things because I don't care, but because I'm technical support and don't actually work on the phone or the products. I learn from you guys what's going on and then make it so you can use the products as best as possible.
Tristen: I have tried that site, and I will try the link you just gave me. after this chat
Iris B.: I do know that the Windows Phone 8 back up is incredible and makes life a lot easier. :)
Tristen: Windows phone 8 backup? the settings back up?
Iris B.: Yes. Before 7 could only back up 1/2 what we can automatically back up now.
Tristen: or is there something I am unaware of?
Iris B.: When you hard reseted 7, you lost a good amount of content on your phone that you could not back up, such as texts.
Iris B.: Now we can back up texts, even home page and application settings.
Tristen: Oh! yes, it does make it easier! How do you back up home screen?
Tristen: I just hope the cloud will be fully working soon
Iris B.: I believe that's an option in the backup settings at Settings > Backup. if not, then it's one of the things backed up when you do a back up on your PC or over the air and then when you restore the phone, it asks if you want to restore from a back up.
Iris B.: The Cloud is the largest thing at the moment, and we've been experimenting with it ever since it came out. It does work, but it's very sporatic.
Tristen: Oh, I think its just on the PC because I have reset my phone a couple times.
Tristen: Is there any way to find info on when the cloud will become more stable?
Iris B.: I haven't been able to find any offiical release information on that.
Tristen: and I also have one more question about phone memory
Iris B.: I have noticed that with the new Windows Phone app though and minor updates, music has worked more often that's been transferred to the phone.
Iris B.: Sure, go ahead.
Tristen: Okay, that's fair
Tristen: In phone storage, I see the "other" folder always grows as you istall apps, take/upload pictures. but when you delete, it only shrinks by like 10%
Iris B.: Other folder is also temporary such as the internet explorer cache. You can clear that out by going to Settings > Internet Explorer > Clear history.
Tristen: If you don't understand what I mean, I can link you to a forum where its talked about and that may make it easier to understand than what I can tell you
Tristen: also when I do that, it only shrinks a little
Iris B.: It's also data like temporary files used to install apps and other such tiny things.
Iris B.: Hm, okay.
Iris B.: It's basically like your %temp% files on the PC.
Iris B.: It's files that the programs/apps make to temporarily achieve something, and with time, should clear itself. Say when you take a picture, it also temporary stores the picture and its thumbnail in that folder as it puts it in the correct spot. Are you saying yours is absolutely huge?
Tristen: but it ALWYS grows but never shrinks practicly. even when you delete apps and pictures and stuff
Iris B.: Mnn, I see. Okay.
Tristen: I understand you cant really help on that, but was wondering if you could share information about it, maybe to post in that forum so there are less people contacting support about it too
Iris B.: I'm trying to find that on the suggestions page..
Iris B.: I can't do it myself, but you should post that up on the suggestions page. I can't find it.
Tristen: No problem I will do that. but do you have any other info about it? Such ass what exactly causes it to grow, what to do to keep it from growing, how to delete it or anything?
Iris B.: Like I said, it's temporary files that -should- be deleted.
Iris B.: What I am guessing, please don't take this as official, is that the files are not deleting automatically as they should.
Iris B.: So as the system builds files and should be discarding them, it's just not discarding.
Tristen: So its a system bug?
Iris B.: Since you've been chatting with me for a while and I know you have a W8 and WP8 and Xbox 360, I put 2800 points onto your account for you. I can't fix the issues you're having, but I've noted them all in my documentation and figured I could treat you to some movies and music as a loyal customer.
Iris B.: Sounds like it to me. I mean, that's the only thing that would make sense with the examples on that board you linked me to.
Tristen: Thank you very vey much!
Tristen: Okay. Is it a known problem or should I get as much attention to it as I can?
Iris B.: Put it on the suggestions page and I would see if you can find it on Home - Microsoft Community.
Iris B.: It's cool these people are talking to it on the board that you showed me, but if it was on, Microsoft would obviously see it easier.
Iris B.: I haven't heard of it as a "known" issue.
Tristen: okay, I will try my best toy get as many people to vote on it and bring attention to it in the Microsoft forum
Iris B.: Anything else I can do for you today, Tristen? Your reference number is xxxxxxxx.
Tristen: I think that's it for today, you provided a lot of information for me! thank you very much! and thank you again for the Microsoft points!
Iris B.: No problem. I'm sorry your experience hasn't been as promised. I do know for sure things are being worked on, I've seen it!
Iris B.: I hope you can continue to enjoy your products despite the issues.
Iris B.: Have a good day, Tristen.
Iris B.: To end your chat session please click the above the chat window. If you have any additional questions after you disconnect, feel free to contact us again. Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Support.
Good to know that those issues are being worked on. However I do not feel that WP8 is like android in terms of bugs, granted I came on board around portico and the preview 2 update so I may have missed out on all the fun.
Good to know that those issues are being worked on. However I do not feel that WP8 is like android in terms of bugs, granted I came on board around portico and the preview 2 update so I may have missed out on all the fun.

You missed out on all the fun:p
This is the 2nd MS chat support log posted, and I had 1 issue myself with them.. I am now convinced that they don't actually work for MS directly but a 3rd party company (just like apple does). I am very surprised she told you she waits on a device for a year! basically just told you not to buy WP8.... >.>
My other storage is up to 13gb :( its filled up and Im starting to notice my L920 lagging :( I want to get rid of it so bad! Should I hard reset or keep waiting for a fix? I really don't want to lose al my game save data...
My other storage is up to 13gb :( its filled up and Im starting to notice my L920 lagging :( I want to get rid of it so bad! Should I hard reset or keep waiting for a fix? I really don't want to lose al my game save data...

Have you tried the Lumia storage check app yet? It helped clear out some, though not all, of my temporary files. Might help you out if you haven't tried it.

Really ridiculous issue to have though.
Have you tried the Lumia storage check app yet? It helped clear out some, though not all, of my temporary files. Might help you out if you haven't tried it.

Really ridiculous issue to have though.

Yes I have used it and it does get rid of some temporary files but temporary storage and other storage are 2 different things...
I never delete my internet history, just did there and it cleared 350MB of Other storage. Not bad. Though I do hope the problem gets sorted in the next update. Like giving us a clear option to remove all "Other" storage whenever we see fit, and not have to use some awkward workaround that only half-fixes the issue.

Also, have to say, Xbox Live Chat support is fantastic, been there twice, and both times my issues were resolved within minutes, by polite, professional and coherent Agents. Was genuinely surprised it was that painless.
My other storage is up to 13gb :( its filled up and Im starting to notice my L920 lagging :( I want to get rid of it so bad! Should I hard reset or keep waiting for a fix? I really don't want to lose al my game save data...
Run Phone Storage Cleaner on your phone.

It won't delete any important files such as game data. Though it may take a while to complete since you have 13(!)GB of Other storage. Wouldn't be surprised if it halved that number.
Here's my two cents.

I previously had issues with the 'other' storage, albeit not completely because I still had 9GB free space then. It went to as high as 5.xx GB. I was clueless what were those files. Then one time, I was bored and thought about watching a movie on my Lumia 920. To my dismay, most of the movies were not playable on my device. I put them on my phone without checking/playing them immediately after to check. So I just deleted all of them including those that actually played. After that, I went to check how much space I recovered and I noticed my other storage dropped down to 1.5GB. So it means the other storage was mostly filled up by files my phone couldn't play or recognize. Hence, it was on the 'other' storage category.

Hope this helps.
Here's my two cents.

I previously had issues with the 'other' storage, albeit not completely because I still had 9GB free space then. It went to as high as 5.xx GB. I was clueless what were those files. Then one time, I was bored and thought about watching a movie on my Lumia 920. To my dismay, most of the movies were not playable on my device. I put them on my phone without checking/playing them immediately after to check. So I just deleted all of them including those that actually played. After that, I went to check how much space I recovered and I noticed my other storage dropped down to 1.5GB. So it means the other storage was mostly filled up by files my phone couldn't play or recognize. Hence, it was on the 'other' storage category.

Hope this helps.

I agree. These have to be temporary files, mostly movies and videos. Some say YouTube also stores files in the other storage area. I have seen my other storage climb just from watching a ton of YouTube videos, so it makes perfect sense. The thing is that if the phone had a way to clear its cache files instead of just temporary internet files, I believe this issue would be fixed! I've never seen this before on any of my old phones, so I was shocked at the issue on Windows Phone. I'm also pretty sad that Microsoft has taken so long to resolve this. Many ppl are suffering because of GBs that are being eaten up by the Cookie Monster. They have to know of this issue. Hoping for sooner rather than later fix...
I forgot to add that I have unchecked the video hub integration box a long time ago, and every youtube video I watch shows up in my video hub. This is another sign that videos are stored in the other storage area. Also there's no way to delete the videos in the music+videos hub. They just keep piling up....its extremely frustrating to say the least!
What I find hilarious is that even in my basic programming class they teach us about how to delete temporary files right away after a task is done. It really doesn't require that much effort to do, in my opinion. If they worked on it very well and did sections of programs one by one, as a programmer should be doing, I feel like this issue wouldn't really be existing. I dont know to be honest and im not bashing them, but I just find that really strange to be the reason :/.
What I find hilarious is that even in my basic programming class they teach us about how to delete temporary files right away after a task is done. It really doesn't require that much effort to do, in my opinion. If they worked on it very well and did sections of programs one by one, as a programmer should be doing, I feel like this issue wouldn't really be existing. I dont know to be honest and im not bashing them, but I just find that really strange to be the reason :/.

Agreed, it better be in the next update...
It's up to 14 gb's now :( I'm gonna wait for an update though because I really don't want to do a hard reset
What files do you have on your phone? Surely you have some large files there or something? Start with that. Determine those large files and delete those that can be deleted and observe the other storage if it shrinks.
Yes I have used it and it does get rid of some temporary files but temporary storage and other storage are 2 different things...

You can check each app from there for used space, some apps have like 15MB when installed and 500MB of "app data"
You can check each app from there for used space, some apps have like 15MB when installed and 500MB of "app data"

I didn't know that, so now I know that Spotify is taking 2gb's of "app data"... Any idea on how to get rid of it?(just deleting random music didn't work)

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