Cortana/Bing + Canada, inconsistency of location


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Apr 9, 2013
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Anyone else having issues with Canada and using Cortana/Bing Maps (or Here Maps, whatever it is)? My maps are updated to latest available, using reminders with locations has not worked at all. An example is ill set a reminder to pick up a door handle when i go to Home Depot, i pick the right location. However, when i got to the location the prompt didnt come up to remind me...i did a "where am i" with Cortana and it just shows my general location and says "You're somewhere in <City>". I will walk a few steps, perform the same action and my location on the map will be a 10-15 meters away...At work same thing, "where am i", it wont even show the address details just a Postal Code and say "You're somewhere in Brampton". Basically, it labels the city im in but thats it...i will set my work address as my "Work" location but realize the map shows it 2km from my actual address.

I am using Cyan/8.1 (no DP), so i have set my settings to US so i can test Cortana...but it just doesnt work properly. The thing is i can just say "well i live in Canada and have my phone set to US, so it could be causing a conflict" But say if an American were to come to Canada, that means potentially you could be misled or given inaccurate information. Cortana is just referencing the maps app, I never have this issue with HERE Drive (it works excellent!) the conflicts here are confusing. Just curious is anyone else is experience similar difficulties.:asleep:


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Dec 2, 2012
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same thing for me in Medecine Hat, AB she found the address of home depot but never gave me any reminder..Cyan/8.1 with DP and Alpha Cortana


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Apr 9, 2013
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Ok I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I don't expect the reminder the happen as soon as I enter the store, but would expect half a km radius (which is too generous imo). I'm going to continue testing it out, I'm really hoping Bing maps for Canada improves...or at least MS gives alternatives. Since Here drive works so well I expect maps to be equivalent but for me its not the case.


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Apr 9, 2013
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Ok, so after checking through the settings in Cortana...I did not know we had to install the Maps AGAIN! In my Maps App section the Ontario Maps (Canada) have always been installed... however I didn't know I had to add Ontario Maps, again? Anyway I'm downloading again... hopefully it helps correct the proximity issues I've been having.


Jul 20, 2013
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I'm not sure what your issue is. I have not tried the reminder, but I live down the road, in Oakville, and when I asked Cortland 'where am ', she gave me my address, exactly. Also, I did not download any maps after updating to Cyan.


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Apr 9, 2013
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Well, you've have a better experience as I didn't get exact address...but rather the first 3 digits of a postal code and a general area of my location (that could change dramatically within a few steps). Now that I've downloaded maps for Cortana its picking up my exact address just like you said...reminders didn't work for address based as Cortana couldn't pick up my location properly without the maps...

Anyway to stop the confusion I think the problem has been solved. I have set a few test reminders to see how it works.


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Dec 2, 2012
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I'm not sure what your issue is. I have not tried the reminder, but I live down the road, in Oakville, and when I asked Cortland 'where am ', she gave me my address, exactly. Also, I did not download any maps after updating to Cyan.

Also it did for me but when I went to home depot she did not remind me cause I was not at the pin point location that Cortana had set up. e.g let say home depot is 1/2 long running east to west. She pin point the west side and you enter on the east side. So for her you are not still there. You still have 1/2 mile to do


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Feb 20, 2014
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If it is a large location, try putting the pin at the point where you would typically enter the parking lot. Or put several pins in the parking lot and call them all "Home Depot", and then when you make the reminder for Home Depot, I think it will ask which Home Depot, with one of the options being "any Home Depot."


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Apr 9, 2013
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Ah interesting points, I haven't considered it. So when I set the reminder I usually pick the address location provided (of the store I will visit), you would think at some point while walking through the home depot it would trigger the reminder....any way, how do you set a pin? I only see exact store location addresses or "any <store>" options.

Georgi Ivanov3

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Apr 15, 2014
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Hah, Cortana still suggests me to add my Work into interests, but she surprisingly thinks I live in Iceland, even though I never went there. Last time she also thought that my work is in a place, that I visited 4 months ago for 3 days..

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