Cortana news headlines on live tile


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Is there any way I can select the news sources Cortana chooses to update the live tile with news headlines? It seems that almost all the headlines come from Fox News, and I'd prefer actual news.
Under interests you should add things like "windows phone" "Microsoft" "sports" "river plate" or whatever you want news for..,and Cortana will,give you some news for those topics
I don't think it is more Categories the OP is after... I think it is Sources being drawn on.

​Cortana pulls based on interests, but pulls FROM your MSN News. On the phone go to the App List and tap on "News" Scroll left until you hit the Sources page and edit away.
I don't think it is more Categories the OP is after... I think it is Sources being drawn on.

​Cortana pulls based on interests, but pulls FROM your MSN News. On the phone go to the App List and tap on "News" Scroll left until you hit the Sources page and edit away.

Can you explain how to use blogs as a source?

The Sources are preconfigured and when you go to MSN "News" App > Sources > Edit > you simply check the ones you want, uncheck the ones you don't want... Some are Blogs, but not many...

You could also go to MSN "News" App >Topics and add a Topic. I added Windows Phone. Many more of the items there seem to be Blog than not...

I don't know of a way to indicate a particular source by inputting the name. That would be more of a 3rd party RSS Reader sort of thing. Search results for "rss" | Windows Phone (United States) Cortana is not going to draw from that, however. She's coded to look at the "News" App.

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