Cortana not reminding me !!

Ashish Saraf1

New member
May 7, 2013
I tried registering a reminders with Cortana which she did enter in her notebook but she did not remind me about it.
It was "remind me to watch my favourite show at 8.30 pm"
How can I make her remind me ??
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She reminds by making a reminder in the calendar. An alarm will sound at the time. Don't expect her to verbally say to you that "Go watch your TV show". Make sure Quiet Hours are turned off. Oh and check the reminder in the notebook if it had the correct date and other settings.
She reminds by making a reminder in the calendar. An alarm will sound at the time. Don't expect her to verbally say to you that "Go watch your TV show". Make sure Quiet Hours are turned off. Oh and check the reminder in the notebook if it had the correct date and other settings.
Today she worked flawlessly only if the time(minute) was set to a multiples of 5
For the record, Cortana is not reminding me of things unless it is from someone who calls or texts me.
Location reminders do not work for me.

I just set a test reminder,, to remind me in 5 min that this is a test
The Min was 38, she said she would remind me at Min 43
that is 5 min.....


I also set one for min 45 and neither of them worked.
Also had the same problem where Cortana reminded me but stopped after a while, turns out that in Settings, under System, app notifications were greyed and turned off. Had to allow them to be turned on by going to the registry and changing the value for app notifications from 1 to 0, then Cortana started showing notifications of my time reminders once again. This link was useful ( ) and has the location of the registry value to change, just type WIN-key + R, type in "regedit" without quotes and browse to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PushNotifications]
"NoToastApplicationNotification"=dword:00000000 and click it and change its value from 1 to o and notifications from Cortana should be enabled....Hope this helps
I am not getting my calendar appointments or traffic reminders or updates. I've checked settings several times and reset to no avail
I am not getting my calendar appointments or traffic reminders or updates. I've checked settings several times and reset to no avail

After upgrading to Windows 10 I was getting reminders from Cortana. But for the past few weeks Cortana does not remind me .It's only when I open Cortana that she reminds me which is usually well past the time I had set the reminder at.This is so inconvenient since the Outlook calendar does not have the task option it had in 8.1.
Bringing this back from the dead....

Cortana was not reminding me when I asked it to. This happened to be on my phone, not desk/laptop, but a search brought me to this thread. Anyway, I checked my notifications, and sure enough I had turned cortana off. So I turned it back on.

I started going through the settings, and plugged in my headset to listen (at work) to various chimes for the notification. On W10M, apparently it starts a default music app when you plug in headphones now. No big deal, I canceled out of it, listened to and set my chime and went to cortana to test.

'Cortana, remind me in five minutes to check reminders.' The reminder comes up, and I click OK.
JAMMIN' GUITAR RIFFF!!!!!! (If you must know, the guitar intro to, "She's Only Seventeen" by Winger :cool:
Apparently it 'resumed' the music app, even though I had closed it. I think Cortana was happy and needed to jam! :evil:

Anyway, to CONTRIBUTE to this thread, one would think that Cortana could tell you when something built around notifications won't work because notifications are turned off.... Otherwise a reminder is just a to-do list.

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