Cortana only showing interets over wifi

Matthew C

New member
Apr 14, 2013
Cortana only shows my interests (scrolling down once you enter cortana) when im connected to wifi, if im connected to just data it says interests is currently unavaliable even though i have 4 bars of 4G LTE on my HTC 8x. Anyone else having this issue?
Cortana only shows my interests (scrolling down once you enter cortana) when im connected to wifi, if im connected to just data it says interests is currently unavaliable even though i have 4 bars of 4G LTE on my HTC 8x. Anyone else having this issue?
For me it's the other way around. Cortana ONLY works on 4G, NOT on WiFi...
It is also only showing interests for me while NOT connected to wifi. When off of wifi, it shows them. When on wifi, "interests aren't available at the moment".
Go to Settings -> Applications -> Internet Explorer -> advanced settings -> Cookies from websites -> set it to block some
Me too. also, everybody bitches about being unable to get 24 hour time in calendar. I can only get 24 hour time, and I hate it.

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