Created recovery drive incomplete? What is missing?

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Windows Central Question

Running W 10 pro, 64 bit architecture. Toshiba Laptop, 16 mg. ram, hard drive has 235 gig used and 683 gig unused space. I used the create recovery drive tool from MS. Also, used the one found in my Control Panel.

I used a 32 Gig. thumbdrive. Instructions on line say I will need more than a 16 gig thumbdrive. The created recovery drive I made only used 5.34 gigs. I have done this two times...same result both times.

I suspect some of the files I need for complete recovery (system files) are not present though I checked that box before creating the backup each time.

What files are missing that should have created the nearly 16 gigs expected? How do I create a complete backup onto the tumb drive? I am more than willing to start over.

Files now on the backup thumb drive are: boot, efi, sources, bootmgr, bootmgr.efi and reagent.xml. I don't see anything that looks like my existing system files

My sincere apology in advance if I missed a post on this subject. I looked first! Please post a link to the solution.

Thank You! Any help sincerely appreciated!
Richard L.


VR Expert
Jul 3, 2009
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It may be that SOME stuff is available via "the cloud" App from the Microsoft store for example MIGHT just be set to download as needed on recoveries, and/or Microsoft OneDrive might be involved. Probably ONLY critical files, drivers and such are saved on the recovery thumb drive.

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