CShell update

They should they give their phones 3 yrs support so if it comes out this year or next it should be supported...although the 950s time is winding down

Sent from Idol 4s
I don't think so, no. Existing phones will get feature2 and that will be the end of the line. But one can always hope
I very much hope so, but I have a sinking suspicion it won't be so. Which makes me extremely sad.
If we'd talk about another Microsoft, then yes, they would at least support their former flagships. But we'll have to arrange ourselves with the Microsoft we *have* not the one we *want*. In my opinion, W10M will be put to an end together with the whole Lumia device family. There are like two or three non-Lumia devices out there, so literally nobody will miss it.
Both brands, "Lumia" and "Windows Phone / Mobile" are burned, like "Vista" and "W8.0" were before.
Going by history, as suggested here, when W10 was released the previous gen devices got it but not the gen before. Largely because MS actually learned their lesson from mucking up the WP7 to WP8 transition. Unless MS are really keen to get their fans trash talking the new OS then they would be fools not to allow CShell on the x50 devices. There seems to be no technical barrier to this and many improvements to Continuum have been promised for the x50 level devices so I hope MS don't muck up this latest reboot and remember the lessons they learned previously. Now is certainly not a time to regress to previous unsuccessful behaviour.
Honestly, I don't know if I'd be bothered if Microsoft will drop support for phones like the 950/950 XL or 640/640 XL as long as they come up with something new, far superior and highly innovative which will be worth buying.
they should support 950/XL. i mean, the phone can handle it in the 1st place. dont see it not coming to current flagship

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