Data Sense Question


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Hey guys I just flashed my AT&T 920 up to the Amber update since I heard that Data Sense wouldn't be coming for AT&T WP phones. I have a question that I was hoping one of you guys could answer which is since I set a limit in Data Sense, will Data Sense prevent me from going over my data plan? So for example I have a 300mb plan when data sense counter reaches 300 Mb or 0 Mb left, will it automatically turn off my data?
No, it won't prevent anything. It's just a guide. IIRC it will give you a toast notification when you are near or over the limit you set, but I don't recall what the toast was exactly. I haven't gotten one - my wife did.
That's a bummer...from your experience the data that data sense has been used is it similar to what Verizon says you have used?
TBH I haven't even compared. We have a 4GB plan, so my data sense is set to 3GB and my wife's is set to 1GB (she uses far less data than me). I use it more for diagnosing which apps are drinking the battery juice than anything else. If I get close to my plan, I get texts, so I'm not worried about it.
I thought it just shows how much each app is using data...which I guess you can relate to battery drain. Anyway, thanks for the info! Much appreciated!
That's correct. Generally - not always - but generally, the apps using the most data are going to use the most data. This doesn't work with games, of course, which may not use much data at all but burn through the battery faster than you could believe sometimes... But it's the best diagnostic tool I could come up with. And for the most part, it works.

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