DEC 6th is the day

No, i want to go back, I hate the new dash. Worst one ever. :(

seriously???? MAAAN!!!

i had a feeling it was going to suck , i remember when i saw the preview , firs thing that came to mind was

** Ah man what?** .. it seems liek its harder to manipulate and more confusing.

Yes, there are far too many menus and sub menus, and it's a total pain to navigate with the controller now Se1fcr3ation. :(

I don't know what they were thinking.

I've had it for 3 weeks now and still hate it.

I just wish we had a choice to reject it and keep the current dashboard. :(
Yes, there are far too many menus and sub menus, and it's a total pain to navigate with the controller now Se1fcr3ation. :(

I don't know what they were thinking.

I've had it for 3 weeks now and still hate it.

I just wish we had a choice to reject it and keep the current dashboard. :(

I like the new dashboard! Controller can just use the bumpers to navigate the main "pivots," and analoug sticks to navigate the "tiles."
Yes no doubt some will like it, but unfortunately if you don't (like me) it's tough.

It's much faster to get where you want with the current dashboard I think jeremyshaw.

Still has tons of bugs too, but it's not finished yet, (I hope) but they had better hurry up, because it's not long until the 6th.
Well Kinect works fine with it, but only time i really use that is for skipping tracks in Zune or Last FM LOL

'XBox Next' etc etc

I'll just have to get used to the pile of poo whether I like it or not Se1fcr3ation. :)
Yeah I'm having a hard time really using the Metro-UI on my 360. It seems so natural on WP7, but it's so much harder and annoying to navigate to Video, My Video Apps, Video Player just to play movies off my USB-HDD. :(
Yeah I'm having a hard time really using the Metro-UI on my 360. It seems so natural on WP7, but it's so much harder and annoying to navigate to Video, My Video Apps, Video Player just to play movies off my USB-HDD. :(
Yes I agree neshyd, takes much longer to access the various menus & sub menus now. :(
is it that bad? i was kinda excited about it.
I was very excited about it too DontHate707, I just love these things.

When I first got it, i said wow, this looks so cool.

After 4 weeks with it, I still find it a pain to navigate quickly to what I want.

It looks OK, but I still prefer the old dash for navigation speed.

I just think that there's far too many menus and sub menus now.

No doubt I'll get more used to it by December next year and then they'll change it all over again LOL :D
Are you able to mess around with the beacons and cloud storage etc in the beta? Im really excited to use those.
Nothing linked to SkyDrive, it's totally seperate. So far the allocated space is only 512 MB. Game saves are usually small but they may increase the size later on FriendOrDaFoe.

They haven't mentioned that anywhere yet as far as I'm aware. :)
I like it so far. I don't think there are any more menu's other what was added as new (e.g. an apps section) and would have been added to the existing interface. Seems like they are adding more and more to XBL at the same time they are using Metro so it'll only improve over time.
I like it, but dislike how all it is at this present state is just a new UI. I thought I would have a chance to mess around with the new apps and stuff.

I wanted to use YouTube, Vevo and others. I actually don't watch videos like that, but wanted to see how it looked.

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