Dell finally has dongle that allows USB and charging at the same time.

This was just delivered and it works as advertised. It even allows my Seagate 1 TB external drive to connect without an additional power source (only when the tablet power adapter is connected).
Got mine a few days ago. I connected a USB/Ethernet adaptor so I can plug in mouse, keyboard and internet cable; works fine. I do wish Dell had angled the micro-USB connector, either back or to the side so the other end would rest on the desk instead of hanging in mid-air. I don't like the wire constantly putting stress on the tablet's port.
Awesome. I need to buy one, just in case, as I've deleted the recovery partition.

You can still do a restore/recovery from USB without being connected to power. It is via the advanced startup settings. Just make sure you have a good charge before you attempt.

This also works with any Win 8.x device. I have done it on the Dell and my Surface in the past.

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