Demin update for Lumia 820 in India

Sandeep Parandekar

New member
Dec 11, 2013
I am trying to update my Lumia 820 from Cyan to Denim. When I am checking for updates, it is showing message as "Your phone is up to date"

I am using NL820 from India and some details as below.

Build ID : 3051.50009.1424.10362
Firmware Version: 3051.50009.1424.0002
OS Version: 8.10.14219.341

Kindly help me in getting #Denim on my #Lumai820 in #India
I looks like you use preview for developer.
In the app unmark the box and try again to get the update.
When I am trying to update my Nokia Lumia 820 from CYAN to Lumia denim it is showing, your device is up to date and it is not showing me any updates and the update is released 5days ago in India.
Nokia Lumia 820 India,

Build ID : 3051.50009.1424.10362
Firmware Version: 3051.50009.1424.0002
OS Version: 8.10.12393.890

Please help me how to update to LUMIA DENIM
Give the OTA update sometime to be pushed to your device. If you don't want to wait and would be okay with starting fresh then connect your phone to Windows Phone Recovery tool or Lumia Recovery tool to get the update right away
Can any one please tell me maximum of how many days will it take for the OTA updates to reach all devices from the actual release of the update.?
I still did not receive Lumia DENIM update to my Nokia Lumia 820 in India via OTA. It's still showing your phone is up to date when I search for updates.
I mentioned specs of my phone above.

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