Do they SERIOUSLY want my feedback???


New member
May 12, 2011
ooooooo.... this could be good...

got this email in my inbox the other day:


they actually seem to have the nerve to ask me for an event that I wanted to go to, signed up to go to, but never received the confirmation for that would have allowed me to actually GO to the event.


Are you sure the confirmation didn't end up in your spam email folder?

yep, I checked for that pretty closely just in case. Never got my confirmation, never got a reply to any of my repeated inquiries to both mogotix and MS. Then suddenly this survey hits my inbox and I really had a hard time believing that they lost track of my for my invite but remembered me after the fact.
yep, I checked for that pretty closely just in case. Never got my confirmation, never got a reply to any of my repeated inquiries to both mogotix and MS. Then suddenly this survey hits my inbox and I really had a hard time believing that they lost track of my for my invite but remembered me after the fact.

LOL! Ya that's pretty crazy.
Hey, give them ****, but only covey the facts. Maybe they will send you something or fly you out to another event. You never know.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
Yeah that kinda sucks. I was in the same boat as you...signed up, never got the invite, etc. I'm sure they had no idea you weren't there and send out a blast email since I got it as well.

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