Hi, I want a Windows tablet and I have found this. It's a Toshiba 8", 2gb of ram
Especificaciones T?cnicas
Color Light gold
Pantalla LED HD 8.0" (1280x800)
Tarjeta de Graficos Intel HD
Lector de Tarjetas: Micro USB, Mini SD, Micro HDMI
Video y Audio: Entrada para microfono y salida para audifonos
Conectividad y expansi?n: Micro USB, Mini SD, Micro HDMI
Puertos USB: micro usb
Puerto HDMI
Dimensiones: 213mm x135mm x 10.6mm
Peso: 480 gramos
I want the tablet mostly for gaming, web surfing, facebook, twitter and windows central I don't pretend do hard work on this, so the main reason of the purchase is: Why not?
Do you believe that I can install windows 10 in the future in this tablet?
Thank you for your help.
Especificaciones T?cnicas
Color Light gold
Pantalla LED HD 8.0" (1280x800)
Tarjeta de Graficos Intel HD
Lector de Tarjetas: Micro USB, Mini SD, Micro HDMI
Video y Audio: Entrada para microfono y salida para audifonos
Conectividad y expansi?n: Micro USB, Mini SD, Micro HDMI
Puertos USB: micro usb
Puerto HDMI
Dimensiones: 213mm x135mm x 10.6mm
Peso: 480 gramos
I want the tablet mostly for gaming, web surfing, facebook, twitter and windows central I don't pretend do hard work on this, so the main reason of the purchase is: Why not?
Do you believe that I can install windows 10 in the future in this tablet?
Thank you for your help.