Do you think Microsoft's next mobile device will be Intel powered?


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Mar 1, 2015
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We know Microsoft will enter the mobile market at some point in the future. Hopefully soon, but that is another thought/thread all together.
They (Microsoft) have mentioned Windows on ARM is for the always connected PC. So could that mean or lead to Windows on Intel powered system on chip designed hardware for mobile?

In the next 12 to 18 months Intel will be nearing 7nm fabrication assuming that is their goal still. It really is the future for chip makers moving to smaller energy efficient systems, and being always connected. So Intel will not stay out of that space entirely. There are a couple of Intel powered Android mobile phones makers out there. Lenovo is one. Asus is one of the main makers that I know of.

Do we think this might be possible, or will Microsoft keep the same trend/pace with ARM devices? Is there any evidence that Microsoft will use any of the newer mobile Intel chips in a next mobile device, whatever that might be?

I am only curious to know what some of the more knowledgeable folks on stuff like this have to say. I personally think Microsoft has plans to do this at some point (use Intel mobile SoC devices). If anything Microsoft's move to Windows on ARM was a kick in the leg to Intel to get their wheels moving.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I think ARM is a way of hedging bets here to push Intel a bit and better position standard Windows.

But with Intel axing the Atom, I'm not sure mobile is really a top priority.

I also personally doubt that MS will be entering the mobile market anytime soon, considering any mobile device they make will be starting from not zero, but negative goodwill.


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Aug 29, 2013
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I think ARM is a way of hedging bets here to push Intel a bit and better position standard Windows.

But with Intel axing the Atom, I'm not sure mobile is really a top priority.

Yeah, this pretty much telegraphed Intel's intent with mobile CPUs.

Kinda curious how far along Microsoft was with a mobile "phablet" Intel powered device when Intel pulled the plug.

Including the past history on Vista with Intel strong arming Microsoft to "certify" Intel's underpowered GPU, you have to think Microsoft is beyond "once bitten, twice shy" territory with Intel except for the long established, iterative CPUs.

I can't help but think this is partly a driving force for WoA.

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