Yeah, I'm using GPT. Since the WinRE image is absent, all those options (automatic repair, etc) are not visible is the advanced restart. I'd appreciate if you install Windows 10 build 10240, format this partition to NTFS:
"reagentc /info" should now show something like that:
Informations sur la configuration de l?Environnement de r?cup?ration
Windows (WinRE) et la r?initialisation du syst?me :
?tat WinRE : Disabled
Emplacement WinRE :
Identificateur des donn?es de configuration du d?marrage (BCD) : f63ef3e3-6895-11e5-845e-f5deace757bc
Emplacement de l?image de r?cup?ration :
Index de l?image de r?cup?ration : 0
Emplacement de l?image personnalis?e :
Index de l?image personnalis?e : 0
REAGENTC.EXE : op?ration r?ussie.
and then do the November update, and see if WinRE is enabled.
For now, I can't check for myself, because I only have one computer, I need it for school, plus I have a limited bandwidth. I'm on the slow branch, so I haven't got a new build since I accidentally formatted the WinRE partition.
If it don't restores WinRE, I think I'll then do a reinstall of Windows.