Does anyone know how to stop my icons from moving?


New member
Apr 4, 2014
I set my desktop icons to my liking on my second monitor. Once and a while I reboot and they end up on my other monitor and totally out of the order I had them saved. It's a never ending cycle. I have auto arrange no checked and align to grid checked.
I set my desktop icons to my liking on my second monitor. Once and a while I reboot and they end up on my other monitor and totally out of the order I had them saved. It's a never ending cycle. I have auto arrange no checked and align to grid checked.

does your second monitor have a different resolution compared with your main pc? I've noticed that the desktop icons rearrange themselves to fit the different displays - it doesn't work so well sometimes
I've found that if I arrange them the way I want, then right-click the desktop and click Refresh, they tend to stay where they are. This doesn't always work, though. For instance, on a tablet, where I add a new icon then rotate the screen a couple of times. Worth trying on a desktop PC, though.

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