Does being a "techie" ruin the experience??


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Im starting to think that it does. I keep asking myself...why do I continue to keep up with whats coming versus just enjoying what I have now? Like everyone else(general public)? I realized that leading up to the purchase of My Focus S, I obsessed everyday over every new rumor and article regarding anything windows phone...and frankly, I find myself still doing that to this day. Why? I love my phone and until this whole Tango fiasco with force updates, I didnt feel like I was missing out on anything. Could I have honestly waited for AT&T to release the update? Of course i could, especially when ignorance is bliss, but reading about it everyday and hearing others getting it, it MAKES you feel like you are missing out, and then with the news of windows 8,(which doesnt bother me any) It makes things even worse.

So Im it even worth it to be a "techie"? So many WP fans on here have already started becoming so negative about the whole windows 8 upgrade issue and even though many were over the moon when they received their Lumia 900s, now they feel they have a worthless device?? Its so aggravating to read and it just makes me think that being in the "know" does more damage than good. Do you remember when you bought your windows phone and it was absolutely amazing? Guess what, IT STILL IS!!! Is your XP Laptop worthless because windows 8 is around the corner? Of course not, and honestly, Microsoft probably feels that they arent really screwing anyone over either. How many people have adopted Vista or WIndows 7 over staying with XP? Having the latest and greatest isnt something the PC world cares about all that much so why does the mobile world? Honestly, I dont know and Ive become one of those since Ive become a "techie" as well so Its like a vicious circle that needs to be broken. Fast. AT least for me.

Being a "techie" makes you always look towards the future, and when you do that, you simply stop enjoying the present. Its just how it is....anyone else feel the same way?
Lumia 900 represent a small % of WP users. The users who have 900, that are whinning, represent an even smaller %. And an even smaller percentage are other WP users that say: "I feel bad for those that just bought the 900". The majority of debbie downers are the "HA who's fragmented now" Android trolls and bloggers who are just looking for easy hits.

I think most of 900 users are okay with it and made an informed decision to purchase at/near launch. First gen devices really have nothing to complain about, and should really be happy that their 2 year old devices will still get 7.8.
Lumia 900 represent a small % of WP users. The users who have 900, that are whinning, represent an even smaller %. And an even smaller percentage are other WP users that say: "I feel bad for those that just bought the 900". The majority of debbie downers are the "HA who's fragmented now" Android trolls and bloggers who are just looking for easy hits.

I think most of 900 users are okay with it and made an informed decision to purchase at/near launch. First gen devices really have nothing to complain about, and should really be happy that their 2 year old devices will still get 7.8.
I couldnt agree more with you, Its just getting very frustrating to see so much negativity lately, especially on a WP site like this. Obviously, no matter what you are into, there will be trolls and distractors online, no way around it, but more to the point of what I was getting at is that is knowing more about something better or worse? I mean, its like with movies, when you learn how scenes are done or what might have originally been made for a film versus what wasnt, doesnt it destroy some of the "magic" behind the film? Just thoughts really...
I get what you're trying to say. Like some of these movie buffs, who says they rather support indie movies than big corporate movie titles. They tend to overthink and are very opinionated and forget to enjoy the movie instead.
The key to being a happy geek is moderation. Stay informed without becoming obsessed. I have a 900 and a titan 2. So what if they won't be updated to WP8, they work great on 7.5 and 7.8 is a bonus. By the time 8 comes out I'll want new hardware anyway and my 18 yr old will gladly take one of the 7.8 phones off my hands since the price is so good. Free!

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For me, being a techie enhances the experience. I know exactly what I want, why I want it, and what I'm missing out on by choosing one product over another. I base my buying decisions on what makes me happy now, not what could make me happy in the future.
I'm interested in technology, but I don't get upset about things like this.

If a smartphone OS ever becomes so important to me that I become as neurotic as I have seen some people over this stupid WP8 upgrade thing, then the first thing I'm going to do is drop my smartphone in the trash can and go back to the Nokia 3350 brick phone I have sitting in my sock drawer.

For people to get worked up into a lather, seething with hate at Microsoft and/or Nokia for "deceiving" them and acting like this is the worst travesty of justice the world has ever seen is just mind boggling to me.

It's truly sad that people care that much about something that is so meaningless. Go give your kids a hug. Call your mom. Pet your dog. Watch the sunset and feel the wind across your face.

Life is short, someday you'll be dead. Do you really want to spend one minute of that limited time you have here kvetching about stupid phone?
For me, being a techie enhances the experience. I know exactly what I want, why I want it, and what I'm missing out on by choosing one product over another. I base my buying decisions on what makes me happy now, not what could make me happy in the future.

Yes, exactly.

If you're constantly chasing the next phone and always fretting about which version of the OS you are getting, there is a good chance the phone is making you more miserable than it is making you happy.

One of the reasons I like Windows Phone is because I DON'T spend a lot of time thinking about it like the idiots I know who are obsessed with re-jiggering their Android phones every week.

This ad spoke to me in a big way and I still think it's brilliant and underrated. The first time I saw it I was amazed. Someone actually GETS IT!

I don't think it has anything to do with being a "techie." It just comes down to whether you know yourself well enough to know what you want and enjoy what you want. This is something that permeates everything in our lives, not just tech. Once you get those things figured out you'll be more content with anything. Others that don't can easily get bought into the hype of things.
well it like those neck pains that comes with civilization and back pains from doing warehouse work, it's a disease! :P

seriously though, i've had my share of annoyance yesterday when my gf's dad saw me using windowsphone then go on to how their "computer teacher" say it sucks because it doesn't have apps, the catch being that "teacher" used it when it first came out, wth did he expect? still makes me angry...

any good way to shake this off other than eating my face in? (im getting fat... :])
To the OP, yeah being a techie totally has the potential to ruin what you have now. Unless you're like me and have an HD7, in which case having a poorly designed & poorly made phone that dilutes the great WP end-user experience ruins it. Don't get me wrong: I love using it-until I realize I have to put it back on the charger because I've been *using* it for 1? hours and it's in battery saver already.
Even as a techie myself, I don't understand people who buy a phone/device of some sort, on the premise of what it might be able to do in the future. That just makes zero sense to me.

In general and especially us "techies", we know how fast newer stuff is pushed to the market and it should be a no brainer for us that what we're using now, will be outdated in just a few months. This in and of itself is why I'm no longer locking myself into a 2 year contract and will be buying all my phones off contract from now on.

Buy for now, not for later people!
I feed my techie habit by running Linux. :cool:

It doesn't matter to me with my smartphone, since I'm always playing with a Linux distro. I also love the CLI and the VIM text editor, so I get my "techie" jones satisfied there. :)
I think it really depends.

I'm a techie, but just want a phone that works, which is why i loved my iPhone, and which is why i love my WP7. I'm glad i never went down the jailbreak route. Its a great way to get extra functionality, but it adds extra risk, which i just don't want with a phone.

I actually feel sorry for my workmates with Android. They are constantly flashing their devices, they are truely never satisfied, and quite often, get dodgy downloads, as they are soo eager to be on the cutting edge.

For me, i expect my phone, console, and cable/satellite box to just work. I'm don't mind being cutting edge with computers and stuff, and thus having issues.

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