download videos to memory card


New member
Jul 26, 2013
Hate ur windows phone....... We all do the same until we learn about the secrets of the phone.... Windows Mobile has the most tightest security for OS hence we can not do anything like Android Phone (eg : rooting, downloading videos on sd card like any other OS ) is because Microsoft does not want their OS to be copied like android Or Java.....
1 suggestion for all the users of windows phone.....
One of the major problems in Windows Mobile is that you can not download videos from Net into your phone memory or sd card memory.... Itz always save into the downloader's app and it is not always possible to use client for sending the videos to PC.....
But I have a solution :):):):):)

Download UC browser
Download songs or videos ( it will be saved to phone's app memory.... Picture and songs will automatically saved into Phone Or sd card memory)
Long press on the downloaded video file name..... A pop up box will appear with some options....
Choose the export option ( it will be exported to Phone memory or sd card memory but it will be shown in music folder as a mp3 format.... If you take out the sd card and put it on another phone.... It will come as mp3..... But if you send the video through Bluetooth from your windows mobile......the recipient will get it in mp4 format)

Now resend the video from recipient's phone to your windows phone. You will not able to find the video.... But amazingly after midnight or few hours... It will be shown in your video folder
And yes it is true.....i hv done this with my Lumia 520.... Try it now nd enjoy.......
Point to be notice: although you delete files from UC but the memory will not be free. You will need to reinstall UC browser .
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New member
Jul 3, 2013
I havent tried the video download but mp3 download through Uc Browser works great!


New member
Mar 18, 2014
we can't export offline cache videos to sd card.
Is there any solution to export offline cache videos to sd card?

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