Dungeon Hunter 4 for Windows 8

On my 2520, this game is exhibiting really bad graphics anomalies. On my dad's Surface RT, the graphics look normal. Is anyone else with a 2520 seeing this?
I have the new Asus Transformer book t100 and the game speed is a bit choppy. This is kinda sad as its a fairly new processor. Anybody else having issues? It runs really bad and there are no graphic properties to adjust for better framerate...
I have the new Asus Transformer book t100 and the game speed is a bit choppy. This is kinda sad as its a fairly new processor. Anybody else having issues? It runs really bad and there are no graphic properties to adjust for better framerate...

Its a bit choppy on my dads surface rt as well. I wish it was only a bit choppy on my 2520 as well. Unfortunately, the graphics are actually very messed up in my case.

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