Duplicate Language Culture

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Windows Central Question

Hello everybody,

We have a situation with a couple of users that cannot run a program called Memo+ properly due to duplicate cultures present in their machines.

Funny enough is that the duplicate culture is Japanese and none of them are Japanese so I guess it got installed someway. We have an .exe file that searches for their computer for culture.name duplicates but unfortunately the source code has been lost.

We tried to install the Japanese language then removing it hoping that it will get someway removed altogether but to no avail. Same thing has been tried with system locale and with the language pack(installing and removing via PowerShell).

The issue got replicated on Windows 10 v1703, v1809 and v1903

Any ideas on how to remove a duplicate culture from somebody's computer?

Thank you in advance!


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Jun 15, 2020
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When you say 'duplicate culture', are you referring to regional and language settings? Any screenshots would be useful.

Kinda of Regional and Language settings...Screenshots unfortunately I cannot provide but I will provide some additional background and hopefully it will help:

On a couple of systems apparently there duplicate languages installed even though they do not appear as installed when I check via PowerShell and the language is Japanese(none of these customers are using this language at all).

When the program(Memo+) opens, it freezes completely and it will eventually throws an error : The type initializeer for 'Cbg.Memoplus.DomainModel.CultureToNativeName' threw an exception

I think everybody has the ja-jp folder in system32 or in syswow64 (on some occasions I saw a "ja" and a "ja-jp" folder - This might be the issue but not quite sure).

The application owner told me the follow maybe it will help:

[c#] <u5:p></u5:p>

SupportedCultures = new Dictionary<string, CultureInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); <u5:p></u5:p>

foreach (CultureInfo culture in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures)) <u5:p></u5:p>

{ <u5:p></u5:p>

SupportedCultures.Add(culture.Name, culture); <u5:p></u5:p>

} <u5:p></u5:p>

<u5:p></u5:p>It's when culture.Name is occurring more than one-time Memo+ crashes since the dictionary SupportedCultures only can contain one key (first parameter) .

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