- Dec 17, 2013
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Yesterday we looked at Unravel, one of Electronic Arts' most surprising games of E3 2015. Jonathan also looked at Star Wars: Battlefront, probably the gaming public's most highly anticipated title in that lineup. I'm not much of a first-person shooter guy, but I'm pumped for Battlefront as well. Still, it's EA's third-person shooter that I'm most looking forward to: Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2.
The original Garden Warfare launched as a timed exclusive on Xbox One and 360, where it captured the hearts of young and old gamers alike. Garden Warfare 2 will arrive on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC simultaneously early next year. A host of enhancements like new characters, maps, and modes, character transfers from the first game, and improved split-screen support should make this a very worthwhile sequel.
We spent some quality time playing Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 at E3. Read on for my detailed impressions and developer interview and gameplay video!
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...