Edge constantly crashes on Windows 10 build 16215


New member
Sep 24, 2013
Does anyone have similar issues when using Edge. I didn't have any such problems until now. but currently it just crashes every few minutes. I have tried reinstalling it but no help.

Crashes very time I hit the backspace key to go back a page as well.
I don't know about back key as I haven't had it. But it has troubled me quite a few times. it would, while trying to load a page, start trying to load error page which wouldn't work and it would hang.
I read somewhere that reinstalling the extension should solve the problem but it didn't seem to work for me. Apparently Edge is buggy for a lot of people on this build
Yeah... 16215 is pretty much a bad build. For example, just as I found this thread, Edge simply closed and I had to relaunch it just to post this comment. 16215 also "forgot" all of my wifi networks, and games freeze every 10-15 seconds. I suspect the game freezing issue is due to the constant hard faults from msmpeng.exe.

As for the new features, not much is readily apparent, but that might be because I find myself always trying to correct uncorrectable usability issues. I am ready for the next build.

Dear Friends,

I updated to this build for all the great features and experienced the constant" Edge Crashes" as well.

Being a Software Engineering Student I began jotting down my experiences , what was being used and came to the conclusion that on my SP4 that the culprit was " THE EXTENSIONS" !!!!

TURN THEM OFF. "ADGUARD Adbloker" & " GHOSTERY" [ At least on my SP4]

I didn't have to Uninstall em. I just turned them off and haven't had any crashes for the last 24 hours. They were occurring quite frequently and it became a nuisance . Hope this helps anyone. If it comes back I will try and update this reply

Good Luck guys!!

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