I am unable to connect on Eduroam network, I contacted IT departement and they said that problem is in my OS - that it does not support 'the' protocol.
I have Lumia 930 with Developer preview.
That's not true I've had a Sony xperia go Lumia 520 and 830 and all of them could connect to eduroam. It was easier to connect the Windows phones then it was to connect the Android. Just make sure you have the right username
Its a lot easier on wp then on other devices. Are You using id@domain.com as your username? Habe you checked that you got the right certificates installed and selected?
My L925 doensn't have a single problem with the Eduroam network either.
Are you sure that you filled in the right login data. Remember to fill in an email adress in the username field.
Proxy: off
You should not use the TTLS option but the EAP option.
With my Eduroam acount, I did not have to fill in a certificate.