Empty photo tiles in Lumia 1020 photo gallery


New member
Jul 31, 2014
I recently had a problem with my Lumia 1020 running Windows Phone 8.1 Developers Preview. The temporary files had 700 MB+ files and they were not clearing, so I made a backup of my personal files, music etc and Hard Resetted my phone. After that I copied all my data back and I opened my photo gallery to check whether all my photos were there or not. Iwent down and I saw that many photos were not there, instead of that there were empty photo tiles in grey color (see screenshot below). I rebooted my phone, tried deleting and copying them back again and all other possible things still those tiles did not go. For now I have hard resetted my phone again and those tiles have gone, but I want to know whether someone has come over this problem and is there any solution to it if this happens with me again in future. Also can I know why did this happen ?

Did you captured those images by nokia camera ? If so in future you can go into nokia camera settings/tap on find photos and videos hot with nokia camera.
Some were from the Camera apps in my Lumia and some were from my previous phone and some from WhatsApp,Facebook ,etc

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