Engadget's Review

I agree on the pricepoint, camera comparison vs gsii, and the wrap up.

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Wish sites would actually review the PHONE, not the specs.

They did, to a degree. However, there isn't much to say about customization of WP7. The experience is... you either like it, or are too blinded by fanaticism to see past prejudices. Just like a woman I know who cannot see WP7 as anything other than "Microsoft" and simply will not try it, even as she keeps an iPod touch because her android phone (Inspire) lacks functionality she NEEDS (not wants, needs, lol). For what limited web surfing and email she does, WP7 would be perfect. Even has the inputs she needs, but... it's Microsoft.
Dont think so. Nothing was mentioned of the improved GPU, or FFC and no tests to compare to 1st gen handsets or the latest so called "high end" handsets. There's no context for his negativity regarding the specs, just that they are bad. But a comparison with newer devices would have shown whether that was true or not. All that came out of that was, its not an android dual core and its expensive. Typical biased engadget article.
Dont think so. Nothing was mentioned of the improved GPU, or FFC and no tests to compare to 1st gen handsets or the latest so called "high end" handsets. There's no context for his negativity regarding the specs, just that they are bad. But a comparison with newer devices would have shown whether that was true or not. All that came out of that was, its not an android dual core and its expensive. Typical biased engadget article.

Yeah, I kinda agree with that. It seems like this guy's reviewing it from an Android user's perspective. "It's not dual core?!? It must be crap!", yet the OS & all the apps run smooth as butter. :-/

Engadget's really gone to sh*t ever since Josh left. I'd wait until The Verge's review (they have an expert WP7 person on staff).
Dont think so. Nothing was mentioned of the improved GPU, or FFC and no tests to compare to 1st gen handsets or the latest so called "high end" handsets. There's no context for his negativity regarding the specs, just that they are bad. But a comparison with newer devices would have shown whether that was true or not. All that came out of that was, its not an android dual core and its expensive. Typical biased engadget article.

I agree to this to an extent, they really could of covered it more, even if only in passing. HOWEVER... I am shooting a short video right now, and it's between my Focus and Focus S. It's darn near a dead heat, with maybe 1-2 seconds, TOPS on websurfing differences. So if there was an improvement from Focus-->Focus S, it may be limited. Either software, firmware, HW, whatever. It's not noticeable without a side-by-side.

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