Epic Games Store is causing headaches for developers and gamers

Windows Central

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Dec 17, 2013
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The Epic Games Store has been making waves, often for the wrong reasons. Here's how Epic's push into distribution has been creating headaches.
Competition is important. Not only does it drive innovation, it also helps keep consumer costs down, as competitors seek to undercut each other. Or at least, that's how it's supposed to work. In practice, things don't always turn out that way.
Windows is by far the operating system of choice for desktop PC gaming, and Steam has long been the preferred distributor of PC games. Despite its virtual monopoly over all things PC gaming, Steam is famed for its aggressive sales, huge library of content, and large feature set. From social features to developer tools, mods, and VR, Steam is very far out in front of all of its competitors, and none really had the clout to compete in any credible sort of way. Until now.
Epic Games, armed with coffers full of Fortnite cash, burst onto the scene and announced a generous 88 percent revenue cut for developers, beating Steam's own offering. While that won Epic some initial praise, some of its recent actions have soured relations between itself and many core PC gaming communities.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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