Erase personal data


New member
Jun 2, 2016
Hi guys,

About a month ago I told you about my Lumia 950 falling and becoming completely unuseful. So after calling the Care center, I've been told that it may need a display replacement.
I've been checking the cost and I'd rather sell it and buy a 650 while waiting what next year is bringing.

Then, I would like to erase my data and set it to the factory state. I've tried with my microsoft account option of "Erase" but it keeps telling me: "We can't reach your phone right now. We'll let you know when your personal data is succesfully erased."
The phone is plugged, though...

Is there any other method I can use to erase my data?


Maybe through the antitheft options, I don't if it'll work, it's just an idea.

Yes... there must be something wrong with the USB port on the cellphone too, because my laptop isn't able to recognize it

2. Turn the phone off
3. Press the volume down button + power button to turn on the phone
4. Still hold the volume down key, then release the power button.
5. Wait for the startup screen booting with an exclamation mark " ! " then release the volume down key.
6. Press the following buttons in the following order: press the volume up (high volume key) ==> press volume key down (low volume key) ==> press the power key ==> press volume down key.
7. Wait a moment and look at the screen, a message such as loading new software will start the hard reset process

2. Turn the phone off
3. Press the volume down button + power button to turn on the phone
4. Still hold the volume down key, then release the power button.
5. Wait for the startup screen booting with an exclamation mark " ! " then release the volume down key.
6. Press the following buttons in the following order: press the volume up (high volume key) ==> press volume key down (low volume key) ==> press the power key ==> press volume down key.
7. Wait a moment and look at the screen, a message such as loading new software will start the hard reset process

Didn't know this, thanks! I'm just wondering how I'll know if it really worked, since the display of the screen is damaged and completely black...

Didn't know this, thanks! I'm just wondering how I'll know if it really worked, since the display of the screen is damaged and completely black...
Good point! The easiest way would be to connect it to your PC and do a factory reset with the Windows Device Recovery Tool.

Hard reset will erase all your personal data and Microsoft account on the device. same goes with using the wdrt tool.

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