Error code 0x800704D5


New member
Mar 28, 2014
Been getting 0x800704d5 error code each time I try to download anything from the windows store. Any suggestions?
Try logging out then back in

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520, w/AT&T using Tapatalk
did that to plus a system restore. same problem. I'm beginning to think it has something to do with the region. i just loaded up W 8.1 on VMware and I'm getting the same problem
did that to plus a system restore. same problem. I'm beginning to think it has something to do with the region. i just loaded up W 8.1 on VMware and I'm getting the same problem

I used to have that. Um a system refresh had fixed it for me. Sorry it isn't work for you. I suggest.. One more refresh, but don't update anything. try downloading apps first. Then update.

-- Bam --
Ok I found out the problem for the error code. I downloaded and ran W8.1 on VMware on my PC. Turns out when I tried downloading for the windows store I got the error code. I then used my smartphone as a hotspot and when I tried again it downloaded the app. So it turns out that there is a problem with the Proxy setting and my surface table here in Sint Maarten. Internet provider is CaribServe. So now I have to go see if I get another internet provider. If that doesn't work then last resort is getting a VPN settings.
je n'arrive pas ? installer les applications dans mon ordinateur (lap top) windows 8
Le code erreur 0x800704d5 appara?t lors de l'installation.
Que faire pour r?soudre ce probl?me ?

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