
New member
May 3, 2011
This thing is incredible. If you press Y, then Y again to go to full menu, you can select your favorite teams so the crawl is only about your teams. Supposedly, if you have Kinect, when an item of interest comes across the crawl, you can say "xbox show me" to see more about that item. I haven't gotten that to work yet, but it shows the potential of the Xbox with Kinect. I like the thought ESPN put into their app.
I need to get my Kinect up and running again... my son has been dying for it to come back.
My girlfriend gave me a Kinect for Christmas. She's blown away by the voice controls. The only problem is my living room is all moved around and looks terrible. I have a really nice coffee table, but I can't use it and play Kinect games.

As an update, I have been using the ESPN app a lot because I entered a college bowl game pool. The motion controls are terrible, but the app is complicated. They should make it more metro-like. The basic voice controls work fine. However, the ESPN app is fantastic with the controller. I love how you can control the ticker with the right stick and pull up a scores screen with the X button.

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