Essential features for New office and outlook mail on WP10


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Jan 31, 2015
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MUST add Undo and Select-all features to New Office and Outlook mail on WP10

WP's office and outlook mail still lack very basic but essential features like undo and select-all.These features are very much needed for working with some important documents.If i accidentally deleted a large chunk of text after selecting them then that will be a real pain.Of course I can close the document without saving it,but other things that I added to the document earlier to that will be lost for ever.This is the reason I don't even open my onenotes on my mobile,and I don't edit any important word documents as well.Word document should also have auto-save options as in onenote.In addition to that select-all feature will also be handy to copy few pages of text from one document to the other.If possible select all and undo buttons can be added on the keyboard itself along with paste icon on the top(when start typing the undo button should be activated) or simply add a "Ctrl' key which will solve all these problems.

Improvements to New Outlook mail:
1.Multiple file attachment support (office documents or pdfs or audio&video files).2.users ability to manually save each attachments(including video files) to the desired destination.currently there is no option to save video files on your phone.Outlook mail on WP10 should function like its PC counterpart with no issues in basic mailing features like attaching any files&any number of files and downloading any kind of attachments(including zip files).

I am not sure whether MS is including all these features to the new office and Outlook mail on WP10 or not.But if they are not planing to add these features then we can suggest these to MS.please Click the links bellow to vote for these features on windows phone feature suggestion forum.Thank you.

Vote here for "Ctrl" key:
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Oct 19, 2011
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As far as I can tell with Windows 10 TP for tablet/pc, you can attach different documents to an outlook email within the modern UI app.
When I look at outlook mail for my windows phone 8.1 device, the attach key only allows me to add photos. I can not access other file types. The only way for office apps is to go to the app, look in the office hub for the intended file and add/share it as an email. Same for pdfs. Not sure if WP10 for phones support to attach files from within the app. Would be better though, because it is a natural workflow to do it this way. Now in windows phone 8.1 I have to send different filetypes as seperate emails. I cannot send different filetypes as a group in a single email in windows phone 8.1.

Just checked with office app. It does have some kind of auto save. Though currently, when I try to reopen and unsaved but autosaved test document, it gets an error message saying I cannot open it. The autosaved document was saved to onedrive. So I think they're still working on it, but it does seem autosave is their with the windows 10 office apps for tablet/desktop. I believe it could come to phones, because there is a fimilar function currently aldready with the outlook app in windows (phone) 8.1. It seems that the office apps for windows 10 have a similar background design to the onenote app.

I've noticed in every outlook program/app over the years that send/receiving videos as an attachment has always been a problem. I've given up that email will ever achieve this. I stick to third party solutions for video sharing, even as an email.

It seems that all office and onenote apps in winodws 10 for desktop/tablet have a redo button. I'm expecting one then for windows 10 for phones as well.

Select all is a good one. I think microsofts solution for mobile will still be the use of the keyboard and dragging a select tool with touch or the virtual keyboard. A bit more labour intensive for large texts on a phone, but I don't see that changing soon. The windows 10 office apps don't have such a button, but I think microsoft is expecting people will use the mouse to select text or press ctrl +a. I guess microsoft could in theory add a "ctrl" button to the vitural keyboard as a solution, but as I see now they chose a red dotted joystick. I think there is your answer.


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Jan 31, 2015
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I agree.It would be really nice if they add a "ctrl" button to the keyboard.The joystick will definitely be useful but not going to be an earthshaking change.still something is better than nothing.But ctrl button on the other hand will add more useful features like copy all etc..and we all have muscle memory to use ctrl+A to select all and ctrl+Z to undo etc,so it will be nice to have them on phone as well.


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Oct 19, 2011
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I agree.It would be really nice if they add a "ctrl" button to the keyboard.The joystick will definitely be useful but not going to be an earthshaking change.still something is better than nothing.But ctrl button on the other hand will add more useful features like copy all etc..and we all have muscle memory to use ctrl+A to select all and ctrl+Z to undo etc,so it will be nice to have them on phone as well.

Right off the top of my head, using the current winodws 8.1 keyboard as basis, I would think it would be doable to add it to the keyboard letter context menu. So when longpressing the letter a, the menu would give ctrl-?-?. So the function would be not ctrl +a but a+ ctrl.


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Jan 31, 2015
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Right off the top of my head, using the current winodws 8.1 keyboard as basis, I would think it would be doable to add it to the keyboard letter context menu. So when longpressing the letter a, the menu would give ctrl-?-?. So the function would be not ctrl +a but a+ ctrl.

sounds fascinating.Cool idea.Long pressing Shift key also will be a nice option.Hope MS brings ctrl hey somehow into the keyboard.would be really helpful.Today I was editing some documents on my phone for about an hour and I realized how useful Ctrl key could have been.
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