Extra 20GB of Skydrive for US students

Thanks for the info. Is the extra storage just for 3 months? I may have to take advantage of my apple fan nephews attending college!
Office 365 is for 3 months. But the SkyDrive space is good for as long as you have your account :grin:
Even if you already purchased a Office 365 University subscription, don't ignore this, as it'll add a free 3 months to your subscription.
Are you sure about the extra SkyDrive GBs being permanent? When I read the fine print it says "Free one month trial of Office 365 Home Premium includes access to 7 GB SkyDrive storage. An additional 20 GB storage will be enabled after the first month, once paid subscription begins", which makes me wonder what will happen if the paid subscription stops. Does your SkyDrive storage revert back to 7GB, or is the 20GB permanent?

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