Extract Whastapp Videos from WP 7.5?


New member
Oct 25, 2014
Hello, I have an HTC Mozart Windows Phone 7.5 that I am going to stop using soon. I have videos I used to make directly on WhatsApp because that way I could send them to another user (it wouldn't let me from recording with the camera alone), however those videos always stayed in the conversation chats and they didn't save neither in my albums or in my computer when I use Zune. I sent all these videos to myself in WhatsApp so that I can find them but once I change my phone they will not be there, is there any way I can extract them?? the email sending doesn't work either :S

Thanks for your help in advance.
Won't your messages be kept if you move to another windows phone? I believe you'll lose them if Moving to a different platform. I could be wrong though.
I am changing number as well so I'm losing it anyway.
Should not have to.

Before changing, make sure to change your number in the settings.
Then backup your archives.
Then backup Whatsapp folder on phone "If possible"
Install app on new phone, use new number, then press "restore" in settings.
If that does not restore everything, replace Whatsapp folder on new phone (if possible)

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