Eyup from Yorkshire!


New member
Oct 2, 2015
Hey dudes,

I'm Jonnie and have been a windows mobile fan since it came out, I even had a zune! I'm 29 and have an NVQ lvl 2 in I.T and various web design qualifications, but its the passion i have for mobile technology that's the most important.

I feel a bit naughty and dirty because I've just come off a 6month android break to return to windows mobile, previously i beta tested windows 10 mobile and was one of the lucky few to be chosen by Microsoft to receive free Lumia 950 and display dock. I used it for a day or so before selling it but only because I couldn't afford to eat and its worth a huge chunk.

Anyway, I've always come back to windows from IOS or Android and have a lot of experience with all platforms, I'm currently using a Lumia 550 on the beta fast ring and am willing to help anyone with anything they want to know, I've also a lot of experience rooting android devices and installing custom ROMS so can help with that too!

Sorry for the long post, I'm currently jobless and bored haha! But anyone needs any help I'm more than willing.

Chintan Gohel

Active member
May 23, 2014
Hey dudes,

I'm Jonnie and have been a windows mobile fan since it came out, I even had a zune! I'm 29 and have an NVQ lvl 2 in I.T and various web design qualifications, but its the passion i have for mobile technology that's the most important.

I feel a bit naughty and dirty because I've just come off a 6month android break to return to windows mobile, previously i beta tested windows 10 mobile and was one of the lucky few to be chosen by Microsoft to receive free Lumia 950 and display dock. I used it for a day or so before selling it but only because I couldn't afford to eat and its worth a huge chunk.

Anyway, I've always come back to windows from IOS or Android and have a lot of experience with all platforms, I'm currently using a Lumia 550 on the beta fast ring and am willing to help anyone with anything they want to know, I've also a lot of experience rooting android devices and installing custom ROMS so can help with that too!

Sorry for the long post, I'm currently jobless and bored haha! But anyone needs any help I'm more than willing.

glad to have you on the forums , hope you can give good feedback and help to others and that we can help you too


New member
Oct 2, 2015
Thanks, that's the plan! I'm fairly new to forums in general. I have one question though and maybe you can help? Where's the classic Facebook messenger "ding" sound lol none of he Windows Phones have it!


New member
Apr 20, 2014
How can you start a thread with EYUP and then go to Hey Dudes, surely it should have been me Ducks (Spelt Dukes)

And for translation saying Eyup me ducks is a term of greeting from people from around the Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and a few other counties in the North and East of England, it stems from the word Duke, and is a compliment to the person you are saying it to, although nowadays it's just a general greeting.

Lived in Lincoln for a few years although a Londoner by birth and current location.


New member
Jan 27, 2014
Welcome Mouldywhale :winktongue: so what's up with the username? just curious

Obviously I've already seen you on the boards lol

btw why did you only greet the "dudes"? we have a few dudettes :cool:


New member
Oct 2, 2015
Haha girls can be called dudes surely! The username came to me when picking a unique email address ages ago and i use it for loads of things now, make me chuckle still.

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