I was wouldering if anyone could help me with this one .
I love the Facebook Birthday intergration with my windows phone / Live.com but My only problem is that evey birthday reminds me 12 hrs before the persons birthday? can I change this so I'm reminded on the morning of that persons birthday ?
I found that in the live calendar you can change them but its a manual process for everyones birthday ..
I have 300 friends and would just like to say facebook calendar remind me o min before ...
anyone ?
I must be missing something .
I was wouldering if anyone could help me with this one .
I love the Facebook Birthday intergration with my windows phone / Live.com but My only problem is that evey birthday reminds me 12 hrs before the persons birthday? can I change this so I'm reminded on the morning of that persons birthday ?
I found that in the live calendar you can change them but its a manual process for everyones birthday ..
I have 300 friends and would just like to say facebook calendar remind me o min before ...
anyone ?
I must be missing something .