Facebook birthday calendar


New member
Sep 28, 2011

Is it possible to link up Facebook Calendar with the calendar app on mango? Having migrated from a blackberry and been used to all Facebook events syncing, I can't understand why birthdays won't sync
On my phone it did sync.
I have the facebook birthdays on the calendar

Go to Calendar -> Settings
Also, you can go to People -> settings, scroll down, tap and hold on Facebook account and choose "Sync" from the menu that appears
The only birthday calender that is syncing for me is the windows live one. I've tried disabling that and resyncing Facebook but that isn't working...
Well.. in my case, I didnt have to do anything special.. I just saw my birthdays and one event I responded to appear in my calendar. I didnt even know that was possible :)
yes, I'm sure :)
Each calendar source has a different color. I can easily tell which items are from Live and which are from Facebook.
Also, that event I was mentioning, it was only in Facebook. I clicked "i will be attending" and i noticed that it later appeared in my phone calendar.
Hmm looks like its synced everyones birthdays in the people app but not added them to my calendar...
On my Calendar settings I have the following Calendars.
Windows Live = Off
US Holidays (Windows Live) = Off
Birthday Calendar (Windows Live) = Off
Google = On
Calendar (Facebook) = Off

Then there are two preferences at the bottom:

Show to dos on the calendar.
Only show facebook events I've responded to.
Mine wern't showing any birthdays until I did so much messing about I don't know what worked!
I went into People settings and synced Facebook, I then went into People and opened a few and checked they had birthdays there. I then went into calendar to check check settings - didn't change anything and all calendars are on ie Windows Live, My Calendar, UK Holidays and Facebook. I think I also turned my phone off and back on again.
Next time I looked at my tiles I noticed there was a birthday reminder on the calendar tile, so I opened it up and now September and all other months are full of birthdays!

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